Third Degree Burn by
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Third Degree Burn

Last year at about this time I  burned the top of my foot.  It was very painful and it looked pretty bad,  and so I went to see Dr A,  my dermatologist.

He examined the wound and asked me how it had happened.   I was too embarrassed to tell him the whole truth,  and so I was rather vague.

”Oh,  just a kitchen accident.”  I said.

”Well”,  he said,  “however it happened you certainly got yourself a nice little third degree burn.”

”Oh dear,  what will you do?”  I asked,  fearing a painful skin rebreeding procedure.

“I’ll tell you to wear shoes the next time you’re frying latkes.”  said Dr A.

How did he know?

– Dana Susan Lehrman

Profile photo of Dana Susan Lehrman Dana Susan Lehrman
This retired librarian loves big city bustle and cozy country weekends, friends and family, good books and theatre, movies and jazz, travel, tennis, Yankee baseball, and writing about life as she sees it on her blog World Thru Brown Eyes!

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Tags: Hanukkah, Holidays
Characterizations: funny


  1. Betsy Pfau says:

    Perfect Dana!

    I gave up making latkes years ago because, even with a really good vent, it took days for the smell of the hot oil to leave my house. Besides, who needs the calories. But in the years that my mother was in skilled nursing, and for several years after, I’d go in (there were NOT many Jews at the place), read Hanukkah stories to the residents, light the electric menorah, explain the miracle of the cleaning and re-dedication of the temple, keeping the eternal flame glowing with only one clean container of oil. It was during that time that I finally understood why we use oil to cook with during the holiday. I also helped them pass out latkes with sour cream or apple sauce to the residents. It was my pleasure to be the token Jew and help them celebrate too. It gave me a deeper appreciation as I looked for simple ways to explain the holiday to these ailing residents.

  2. Laurie Levy says:

    LOL, Dana. Your latke picture looks yummy. Happy Hanukkah and be careful out there!

  3. Suzy says:

    Very funny, Dana! I do love latkes, but they certainly are messy to make. One Chanukah when the kids were young, and my sister and nephew were visiting, we decided to make two batches, one from a mix and one with actual potatoes, to see which one they liked better. They all picked the one from a mix! I still prefer real potatoes — but in recent years I have made carrot latkes, which are also delicious and a lot less trouble.

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