The Sweeter the Wine
Wine was not exactly an acquired taste of mine, but rather a delayed one. For years I was a teetotaler – not by choice mind you, but on doctor’s orders. I suffered from migraine headaches since I was a young girl, and I had been told wine was a trigger. (See Migraine)
Of course I’d risk a glass or two now and then, especially when out to dinner and friends were ordering adult beverages and I felt childish asking for Coke.
And on sabbaths and holidays I’d drink a glass or two trusting that exceptions are made for ceremonial wine. In fact I’ve grown to rather like the often maligned, very sweet taste of Manischewitz.
So if you’re one of those detractors who find Manischewitz concord grape too sweet for your palate, I urge you to try their blackberry wine – it’s just sweet enough! L’Chaim!
– Dana Susan Lehrman
This retired librarian loves big city bustle and cozy country weekends, friends and family, good books and theatre, movies and jazz, travel, tennis, Yankee baseball, and writing about life as she sees it on her blog World Thru Brown Eyes!
Migraines! They have certainly altered my appreciation of alcohol, and maybe just as well to limit the intake. Somehow I learned to enjoy a wide variety nonetheless. Taken in moderation of course.
Yes Khati, and as Oscar Wilde is reputed to have said,
“Everything in moderation, including moderation.”
You remember that old song, don’t you, by Jimmy Rodgerstein.? The chorus went something like… “She had [boom boom] kisses sweeter than Manischewitz.”
Ah yes Chas, those sweet old songs!