The Day the World Was a Kingdom by
(89 Stories)

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Retrospect – The Day I Became a Knight

By Kevin J. W. Driscoll (c) 2025

Picture this: I was eight years old, and my backyard was no ordinary place. It was a sprawling kingdom, teeming with hidden treasures and fierce dragons (okay, they were just our cats, but to an eight-year-old, they were formidable foes). My trusty steed was a rickety old bicycle, and my armor? A collection of pots and pans I’d pilfered from the kitchen when me Mum wasn’t looking.

One Saturday afternoon, I decided to embark on the greatest quest of all—to rescue my sister from the clutches of the evil dragon (again, just our rather disgruntled cat, Whiskers). Armed with a broomstick for a lance and a saucepan helmet, I gallantly rode my steed across the treacherous terrain of the backyard, navigating between the garden gnomes that doubled as sentries.

I reached the dragon’s lair, where my sister was valiantly “imprisoned” behind the rose bushes. With a battle cry that could rival a lion’s roar (or, at least, in my mind it did), I charged at Whiskers. Of course, the cat looked at me with utter disdain and promptly scurried away to a safer corner of the garden.

Victorious, I freed my sister, who, with the utmost solemnity, dubbed me “Sir Broomstick” with a twig we found on the ground. We celebrated by feasting on cookies and juice, basking in the glory of my newly earned knighthood.

Even now, when I think back to that sunny afternoon, I can’t help but smile. The world was simpler then, full of endless possibilities and grand adventures, all within the confines of our backyard kingdom.



Profile photo of Kevin Driscoll Kevin Driscoll
(Mostly) Vegetarian, Politically Progressive, Daily Runner, Spiritual, Helpful, Friendly, Kind, Warm Hearted and Forgiving. Resident of Braintree MA.

Characterizations: funny, moving, well written


  1. Thanx Kevin for this sweet tale of you at eight on one sunny afternoon valiantly rescuing the convenient maiden-in-distress – your cooperative sister!

    It makes me smile too remembering that simpler, innocent time!

  2. Khati Hendry says:

    Great to hear this story from you, Kevin. The picture is also perfect. Indeed, the backyard kingdom you describe so well seems pretty wonderful right now.

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