Sports Fanatic by
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Sports Fanatic

This may not exactly be a Super Bowl story as we’re a baseball family,  but it’s as close as I can get!

A few years ago our friend Jon called on a  Saturday morning.  It just happened to be the third day of the World Series.

”We haven’t seen you guys for awhile,  how about dinner and a movie tonight?”  he said   “We can show you pictures of the baby.”

Jon and Jeanne had just gotten back from visiting their newborn grandson.

”We can’t’  I said,  “tonight is game 3 and you know Danny will be glued to the TV!”

Jon is my husband’s best friend although inexplicably a Mets fan,  and is forever hounding Danny about his Yankee baseball obsession.

“The Yankees aren’t even in the Series this year” said Jon,   “And to tell you the truth Danny’s like a kid during baseball season,  all he talks about are  the stats and the minor league trades,   and his criticisms of the coaches and managers.  He’s ridiculous!”

“Well, “   I said trying to placate Jon,   “If we can’t meet you tonight how about brunch and an afternoon movie tomorrow?”

“Dana,  are you nuts?”  boomed Jon over the phone.  “Tomorrow is the Giants-Eagles game!”


Us at the Stadium

Dana Susan Lehrman


Profile photo of Dana Susan Lehrman Dana Susan Lehrman
This retired librarian loves big city bustle and cozy country weekends, friends and family, good books and theatre, movies and jazz, travel, tennis, Yankee baseball, and writing about life as she sees it on her blog World Thru Brown Eyes!

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Tags: Baseball, World Series, Football
Characterizations: been there, funny, well written


  1. Betsy Pfau says:

    Love it and love the photo! Definitely a “pick your poison” kind of story. I have a Brandeis classmate who is a sports fan for every season (and tho he’s from the Boston area, cheers insanely for the Yankees because Mickey Mantle was his boyhood idol. Must have been tough, growing up in Red Sox territory).

    Thanks for sharing this.

  2. Now baseball I understand! And I love the particular sound of the World Series being broadcast wherever I happen to go…in the super market, in passing cars, America’s game! There’s something almost timeless about it as it takes me back to my school days and hearing it over the P.A. system during recess. Nice take on the prompt…it was a stretch for me as well!

  3. Hmmm. Seems like Danny and Jon are wired the same way I am. I really am a very social and sociable person. Except when duty calls.

  4. Laurie Levy says:

    I enjoyed your story, Dana, because baseball was all that mattered growing up in my house. My father never missed a Tiger’s game and often listened on his transistor radio during dinner. Consequently, when I left home I also left baseball behind. Except for the year the Cubs won the World Series. That was quite a celebration in my neck of the woods.

  5. Suzy says:

    Very funny story, Dana. You always have such good punch lines. Either you have a bunch of comedians for friends, or else you are just adept at finding the humor in situations where others might not. Thanks for the laugh!

  6. John Shutkin says:

    Fun story, Dana, as you really catch the humor — and selective passion — of sports fandom. As an at least fair weather sports fan, I do empathize. But I gotta say, as to your great punchline, how much can you care about an NFL regular season game in October?

    • Thanx John!
      Albeit you remind me it was early in the football season, I guess it was the Giants-Eagles match-up that pumped up my friend Jon!
      Full disclosure – that newborn grandson our friends had gone to visit is now 10 years old – so my memory may be a bit rusty.
      And my son reminds me that he played football in middle school AND in high school.
      MEA CULPA!

  7. Well written, relatable theme for me! We share the affliction of having rabid Yankee fan hubbies! (And mine is from Brooklyn!)

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