I must confess I’m not the best of drivers. (See Life is a Highway, Fender Bender, and Rainy Night on the Highway)
But for years I drove to work, and so the odds were good that I’d have a few smash-ups along the way.
I remember one mishap when Danny and I were newly married and I was driving home from work and bumped – very gently I thought – into the car ahead of me.
After exchanging insurance information with the other driver I realized that despite some serious looking front-end damage the car was drivable.
By chance I was a few blocks from the Audi dealership where we’d bought the car, and so I drove there and sought out Vic who’d been our salesman. I told him about the accident and threw myself at his mercy. “I dread telling my husband what happened, would you please call him and break the news?” I implored.
Vic agreed, and when he got Danny on the phone I heard him say, “First let me tell you the good news – your wife got out without a scratch.”
What a smart salesman, that guy Vic! I’ve been using his opening line to break fender bender news to my husband ever since.
– Dana Susan Lehrman
This retired librarian loves big city bustle and cozy country weekends, friends and family, good books and theatre, movies and jazz, travel, tennis, Yankee baseball, and writing about life as she sees it on her blog World Thru Brown Eyes!
Vic sounds brilliant, Dana. But give some credit to Danny, too. A lot of husbands I know might reply, “Well OK, but how’s the car?” I’ve learned over the years always to ask my wife how she is first. And then check on the car damage.
Wise move, John, after all it’s less of a hassle to replace a car!
This made me laugh. What a diplomat! Probably not the first time Vic used that line either. I’m sure Danny was happy to hear you were well!
I’m sure Khati, but he certainly is never happy getting those fender bender phone calls, even when I remind him it’s only a car and in the greater scheme of things a minor trouble!
Love this story about Vic, the Audi salesman, who had probably used that line a few times before. Glad Danny isn’t ready to trade you in after all your fender benders!
Hope not!
Kudos to Vic, Dana, and I’m glad all your encounters were fender benders. Stay safe!
Thanx Mare, you stay safe too!
Brilliant. I will have to remember that line for the future. It’s hard to be married to someone who never puts a ding in a car.
Yep, same here!
Good that you were close to the dealership and Vic sounds like a really good salesman and true diplomat. What was Danny’s reaction? Hope everything worked out well.
Danny’s reaction? It was 40+ years ago, who remembers exactly but I’m sure he wasn’t pleased!