Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll by
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Sex, Drugs & Rock & Roll! It’s all happening again. Right now! It’s the ultimate do-over.  Okay, the sex is likely not the same.  The drugs aren’t, likely, the same.  The Rock & Roll, likely, but may be is, or not, the same.  That is, if you still listen to your favorite golden oldies, dare I say exclusively.

But it’s a definite re-do people.  Or call it a re-boot.  It’s Chicago again.

And, I for one am thrilled. The context is different but also the same. We’re fighting for freedom, equality, and yes stop the war (feel free to choose which one).  I couldn’t say it any better than my beloved artist India Arie.

Please listen to the lyrics of her song ‘What if’.


Who knows.  We may live through the shattering of every possible U.S. glass ceiling.

Profile photo of Carol Isaacson Barash Carol Isaacson Barash

Characterizations: funny, right on!, well written


  1. From before my time : “Mom/ Dad s/he ‘s Making eyes at me.”

  2. Thanx Carol, I didn’t know this artist or this song!

    Here’s to breaking that glass ceiling – What If!

    • Thanks Dana. I love the lyrics so much that I sent the song to Kamala’s office yesterday in hopes some one will see and then we’ll hear it in the background on the news. I just went from Motown to street beat music to funk to disco to hip/hop to rap. I used to do a lot of jazz ballet professional classing dancing to funk/disco. Here’s to ‘what if’!

  3. Khati Hendry says:

    Thanks for the uplifting song and enthusiasm. May it be so. We need it.

  4. Dave Ventre says:

    Those are, indeed, great lyrics. I hope the Harris campaign uses it. She should re-release it and add in Simone Biles!

    I do so also hope to rejoice to the sweet sweet music of right-wing wailing when Kamala wins. I am vindictive enough and sufficiently sick of them to be a complete arrogant mouthy New Jersey schmuck about it. Gracious in victory my ass!

    • Thanks Dave! I agree so much that I actually wrote Kamala’s office and advised them to please use it. Read Jennifer Rubin’s opinion in yesterday’s Wash Post- she is so right=- journalist need to stop letting T off easy- journalism is seeking the truth and that’s what those women did in pressing him hard at the conference in Chicago- and look how much Scott got out of T- how much he truly revealed- versus Sat night CNN lazily just cover’s one of his ridiculous nonsensical rallies. I just hope I’m drinking champagne in Bonaire- but I don’t want to jinx it. Otherwise, seems sensible to just not come back 🙂

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