My grandson’s Bar Mitzvah on June 17 in the Boston area was an outdoor event. Following the service, at which he did an excellent job, all celebrations were planned for outside — a lunch following the service and a dance party that evening. Out of an abundance of COVID caution, there were no indoor alternative venues. They say man plans and God laughs. On the big day, it rained steadily from sun up to midnight. And, despite using tents, all of us ended up quite wet.
They say man plans and God laughs. On the big day, it rained steadily from sun up to midnight.
The luncheon was challenging, as the tent wasn’t much of a tent and most of the chairs and tables were very wet. Dressed in their finery, guests huddled close to the food table, ate quickly, and hit the road. So much for the opportunity to visit with family, some of whom had to leave before the dance party that evening.
About that dance party, after arriving late due to our inability to see road signs because of the downpour and what felt like a complete emotional breakdown from the usually reliable Maps woman, we parked in the mud and made our way to the tent. At least we knew gym shoes were the appropriate footwear for this setting and had purchased sweaters that afternoon. The tent was filled with kids crowding the dance floor, enjoying the loud DJ music. All of the tables and chairs on the periphery of the tent, where older folks like me would usually sit to observe the fun, were wet.
We were directed to a covered veranda up a flight of wet, slippery slate steps with no hand-railing. Proud of myself for making it up the steps without falling, I scoped out the veranda, which was a crowded, standing-only affair with a bar. Our contingency of older folks ventured inside and found a conference room with chairs. Voila. We were dry, comfortable, and felt pretty smart about having defeated Mother Nature.
It seems like rain has foiled many outdoor events I have attended. I remember one wedding in Sedona where it “never rains.” It started raining lightly during the ceremony, which was manageable, but by the time we were seated at our tables for a fancy meal, it was pouring. As the rain splashed onto our food and soaked our fancy clothes, there was nothing to do but make the best of it. It also rained at my outdoor college graduation as well as one of my daughter’s.
I know we need rain so plants can thrive and crops can grow. But climate change has unleashed rain storms this summer that are unlike any I can remember, complete with flash floods and tornados. If sadly this is the new normal, to those planning outdoor parties and celebrations, please have a backup plan. Torrents of rain falling on my head and nice clothes is not much fun. And don’t get me started about my hair.

Boomer. Educator. Advocate. Eclectic topics: grandkids, special needs, values, aging, loss, & whatever. Author: Terribly Strange and Wonderfully Real.
Oh dear Laurie, but hopefully the rain didn’t dampen the spirits of the bar mitzvah boy!
Happily, he was fine with it, as were all of the kids.
I could feel both the rain and the challenge to celebrate nontheless.
Your grandson was now a man. This rain was his initiation. He will never forget this day.
Some thoughts on rain I like The Dave Berry applies to my Wisconsin trip.
The Shakespeare quote is from King Lear, told by the fool. I played this role at Middlesex Community College in Ct.
Dave Barry
“It always rains on tents. Rainstorms will travel thousands of miles, against prevailing winds for the opportunity to rain on a tent.”
William Shakespeare
“For the rain it raineth every day.”
Love your quotes, Richard. It seems to be true that rain and tents love each other!
“They say it never rains in Southern California, but girl let me warn ya—it pours, man it pours.“ All bets are off anymore. Glad you managed to get through the various rain-beleaguered events despite the adversity.
It was a great time despite the rain. My grandson is now a “man,” and he had a blast dancing with his friends. Rain doesn’t dampen the enthusiasm of kids!
I love your line, “Man plans, and God laughs,” Laurie, and it clearly was true on your June 17 party! You remembered the details well and took us through the downpour. Sounds like you all managed to make the best of a wet situation, though, and it’s one milestone your grandson won’t forget!
Thanks, Jim. I won’t forget it either but you are right — we made the best of it.
It poured the night before and day of my son David’s bar mitzvah (October, many years ago, also in Newton), so I feel your pain, but at least all events were indoors, though I know how difficult it was to read road maps. My brother was in charge of getting our mother to the Friday night service, thought he knew where he was going, but failed miserably and showed up just in time for the Kiddush at the end of the service. I have a cousin who still refers to heavy downpours as “Boston rain”. Maybe not after this year…I’ve watched the news and seen what you’ve had to deal with in your part of the world!
Perhaps the rain also brings good luck? I think there is an old saying about that regarding weddings but I can’t remember which way it goes. Even with navigation, getting around the Boston area can be a huge challenge!
With your keen eye for detail, you brought back memories of some of my own rain-soaked events and days. Well done.
Thanks, Dale.
The hair, the first to go. Isn’t it ironic how much time we invest in these special celebrations that a good rain destroys in seconds? You captured it all, the drive, the shoes, vying for the best position, eventually discovering that empty conference room. I agree with you Laurie “man plans, God laughs”. Perfect pics too.
Thanks, Patty. You are so right about the hair. Mine hates rain and no matter how good it looked starting out, by the time I arrived it was a hopeless cause.