Please don’t judge me harshly as I’ve never been on Jury Duty but … by
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… I really liked watching

Perry Mason: Season 1, Vol. 2


No one asked me but I liked I like Raymond Burr in Perry Mason so much and later Rock Hudson in McMillan & Wife that I just accepted their chosen lifestyles with no judgements whatsoever.

Profile photo of Kevin Driscoll Kevin Driscoll
(Mostly) Vegetarian, Politically Progressive, Daily Runner, Spiritual, Helpful, Friendly, Kind, Warm Hearted and Forgiving. Resident of Braintree MA.

Characterizations: funny


  1. Dave Ventre says:

    I used to watch McMillan and Wife solely for Susan St. James and her slightly husky voice….

  2. Betsy Pfau says:

    Kevin, we have discovered a channel that shows old “Law and Order” and “SVU” shows and we are consuming massive amounts of those, which makes us feel like we know the jurisprudence system in our country. But I believe you are commenting on the fact that both actors were closeted gay men at a less-open time in this country. Have you seen the new Rock Hudson documentary on HBO? I have just started watching it. It got decent reviews.

  3. Laurie Levy says:

    Like you, I liked the old Perry Mason. All cases were wrapped up in a session. I could manage that. The new Perry Mason is much darker and takes a full season to get the verdict.

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