You know how roosters crow in the morning to greet the dawn? That’s a myth, we learned when we moved in.
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Forbidden Fruit
We watched her go through (what I now know are) the five stages of grief in a matter of seconds.
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School Lunch
Long before tv show caricatures, the Lunch Lady was an institution at our elementary school.
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Loudest Classroom in the World
During my senior year in high school I was offered the chance to learn how to fly. In the barren plains northwestern South Dakota, between the bluffs of short pines that sheltered my little airfield I spent my Spring overcoming my fear of heights and fulfilling a lifelong dream of taking to the sky. I soloed on May 1, 1990 and I remember how proud I was when my instructor traditionally cut my shirt tail. I will forever remember those days as my bravest as I took lessons in the loudest classroom in the world.