Ever since I was a kid, I always dreamed about being someplace else. All my life I've dealt with wanderlust, and I have spent a lot of time feeling guilty about it.
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My Guilty Pleasures
Here is where we find out if you can keep my Guilty Pleasures secret.
Q-Tips; I stick the Q Tip into my ear canal, not too far. I always (always) keep my Q Tips away from children.
Feline Videos; I have a thing for cat videos and when I like a particular video I attach a Feline Emoji.
Cocoa: I like my cocoa straight, right out of the packet or box using only a spoon.
You’ve Probably Heard of It By Now
It’s all over the news. You might even be sick of hearing about it by now. Just one word: Wordle. Well, actually up to six words. Five-letter words. But only one word wins. A different word every day, the same word for everyone. In the world. Free. (For now.) And you can only play once a day. If you lose, you can’t try again.
Guilty, because I jumped on the bandwagon…EVERYONE is playing Wordle.
Pleasure, because I love it, and it’s sneakier than it looks.
In fact, since the NYT bought it for an undisclosed amount in the low seven figures from Josh Wardle, a software engineer who had developed it for his partner, Wordlers—that’s what we call ourselves—are complaining that it’s become harder. It’s not harder, it’s just maybe a bit trickier.
The best part about it is that I now play every morning with most of my family. Which is also the worst part about it…I don’t have time for that! But we’re addicted…and it’s a great way to keep in touch. Other topics enter the crazy stream of messages, our personalities come through, we laugh and joke and emoji and gif all over the place. But we never drop hints or risk spoilers before everyone has finished. Which can take forever.
In a word: Adore. Hmmm, that’s actually a good starter word, think I’ll try it tomorrow!
Guilty as charged, your honor!
Let the Guilt Go
Hidden books, '70s television shows, and Words With Friends have all been guilty pleasures for me.
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