Watching Lacrosse with Dick

Watching Lacrosse with Dick

I’ve written before about my friends Celia and Dick.  (See Moving Day Blues and Carving Mr Pumpkin)

Dick is no longer with us but he’s impossible to forget.  He was a wonderful guy – bright, warm, witty,  cultured,  well-read and world-travelled,  a gourmand and a bon vivant,  an historian and writer,  and founder of a prestigious educational publishing company that he ran in Princeton for decades.

I knew that Celia and Dick had a wonderful marriage – their biggest fight,  she once told me,  was over a restaurant tip.  She thought Dick had left too much but he refused to edit it.  And indeed Dick could be terribly stubborn as I learned during my “decluttering Dick”  project.

After retiring from the library world,  I started a home organizing business and offered my services gratis to friends.  Celia called and asked me to come help Dick organize his huge,  disorganized collection of travel memorabilia.

At their house I labelled folders with the names of cities and countries where he and Celia had been.  Then I sat opposite Dick with a waste basket between us,  and instructed him to weed his enormous pile of stuff and we’d file what he wanted to keep in the designated folders.   But with every item he picked up,  he regaled me with stories about that particular trip,  even remembering all the delicious meals they’d eaten.

And of all the itineraries,  hotel bills,  city maps,  travel guides,  brochures,  plane and train tickets,  pictures and postcards,  and wine lists and menus he’d saved,  Dick insisted on keeping almost everything to my great frustration!

And Dick was also a big opera buff and a sports fan.  One  summer my husband Danny and I went to Cooperstown with Celia and Dick for the Glimmerglass Opera Festival and stayed at the elegant Otesaga Hotel overlooking beautiful Otesage Lake.

We planned to see two operas and also spend an afternoon at the Baseball Hall of Fame,  but Dick agreed to the latter rather begrudgingly.   As a Hopkins man,  he reminded us,  his sport was lacrosse.  Yet once we were there,  Dick was like a little kid discovering baseball for the first time.   He looked at every exhibit,  read every wall poster,  and posed  with Phil Rizzuto’s Holy Cow,  and with Danny beside the big scoreboard of team standings,  Dick pointing of course to the Baltimore Orioles.

But lacrosse was really his passion.  One spring weekend we were staying in Princeton with Celia and Dick and were at a Princeton – Hopkins lacrosse match when it started to rain.   Some die-hard fans opened their umbrellas,  but most of the folks in the stands started to leave.   Danny and I rose to go but I saw that Dick was unfolding some serious-looking rain gear.

”We’ll have to leave him here,”. Celia said,  “he won’t budge until the game is over.”

So the three of us started off,  and I turned back to tell Dick we’d see him later at the house.  Through what was by then a real downpour Dick waved a hand back at me,  but his eyes never left the field.

Go Hopkins,  and rest in peace Dick,  you sweet, unforgettable friend.

Dana Susan Lehrman 

Have a Plan

I came across this story, written 3 1/2 years ago, but never published, the last time the Retirement prompt came up. I’ve decided to publish it now. It is all true today.

Dan went to work for Andersen Consulting on January 3, 1994. This is not to be confused with Arthur Andersen, which was a good thing. They were both under the aegis of Anderson Worldwide, but AC was the consulting piece of the pie, or so it was supposed to be. Dan came in as a full-equity partner, which was quite unusual for a firm like this. Normally one came in right out of business school and worked one’s way up. Andersen Consulting was building an IT strategy consulting practice, which was Dan’s expertise, so they hired senior people. He had to buy his partnership stake, but the firm helped him with this.

He was well-compensated, but they expected much from their partners. He traveled four days a week and had a high sales quota. The company was highly profitable and became the largest consulting company in the world. Arthur Andersen saw this and began encroaching on the territory and confusing the marketplace. AC protested, eventually taking their complaint to the World Court in Brussels. It took years, but the companies separated. As part of the settlement, AC lost the right to use the name Andersen and became Accenture (a made up name). Shortly thereafter, they went public. Dan’s partnership stake became zero-basis shares in the new company, worth a great sum of money.

We also know that during the Enron scandal, one corrupt Arthur Andersen partner brought down the entire company, causing it to go bankrupt. They were later exonerated, but it was too late. The company had folded.

Accenture wanted to continue to make room at the top for well-paid executives, so pushed out partners over the age of 50, making it attractive for them retire. Dan was 51 at the time of the IPO, and there were stock incentives to retire at that time, so he did, in May, 2002. He also had a five-year non-compete clause, enforceable since Accenture held the stock.

At his annual physical that year, he told his doctor that he was about to retire. The doctor said, “Have a plan. Make sure you stay busy”. And Dan thought he did have a plan for the first several years.

Life on the road is difficult. You don’t eat well, you can’t exercise with regularity. Dan had put on a lot of weight. When he looks at the photo from Jeffrey’s bar mitzvah, the month before he retired, he shudders. He was at his all-time heaviest. So his first project was to lose weight, which he did by getting back to regular exercising and eating a bit healthier. Dan’s motto is “calories in, calories out”. He also says that he runs to eat. He does not follow fad diets (or any kind of diet) or even nutritional guidelines. He exercises his butt off, literally. He took off probably 30+ pounds that first year.

We also began a major renovation of our Martha’s Vineyard home, finally implementing the “Master Plan” that Patrick Ahearn envisioned years earlier. We now had the money to fulfill the dream. We pushed out the back of the house, adding space to the kitchen, and moving the laundry to the ground floor off the kitchen, moving the Master Bed and bath to the back of the house and finishing the 3rd floor, which had been unfinished space. This all began when Patrick was in the second floor laundry room at the back of the house one day and commented that it had the best view of our beautiful garden. After years of Patrick’s lobbying, we also added a small pool. I had resisted, but now love it.

All this began only months after we finished a major renovation of the Newton house. I was exhausted, so this became Dan’s baby. We did enjoy visiting over the winter to check on the progress. We stayed a few blocks away in a lovely inn. The kids shared a room that had a TV and were in heaven. “Tea” was served in the late afternoon; so civilized, and books and a chess set were scattered about to provide entertainment on a rainy day. Staying someplace other than our own house was novel and enjoyable.

Dan had the time to play golf, go out west for ski trips (and bring David along). When it was time to look at colleges, I did the local, driving trips, Dan took David on any trips that required a flight. They took a boating course at Annapolis, stopped at the Naval Academy (no, David had no thoughts of applying) but looked at Wesleyan and Princeton on the way home. We spent all summer on Martha’s Vineyard.

As it became clearer that the public school was not an appropriate fit for Jeffrey, Dan and I looked at schools, found the right one, then found a special needs lawyer before Newton agreed to pay for the school, 18 miles away from Newton in Sudbury, MA. A van picked up local students, but during certain times of the year, or as Jeffrey got deeper into his studies, we often found we drove west at the end of the day to pick him up and eat an early dinner with our child out there.

As Dan described it, he “had the band-width” to devote to Jeffrey’s needs as it became clear he was willing to work hard at his schooling to get into a good college and his special ed school couldn’t offer the curriculum he needed. Dan found a college chemistry professor to come twice a week to Sudbury, after school, to tutor Jeffrey so that he would be prepared to take the SAT II in chemistry. Dan found a pre-calculus tutor from Martha’s Vineyard High School so Jeffrey was prepared for calculus in the fall. That tutor wrote a letter of recommendation for Jeffrey. And Dan found an on-line physics course for Jeffrey his senior year, and supplemented with a tutor who came to our home. Jeffrey got into Brown, early decision. Dan did the tactical thinking. I sat with him to ensure the homework was complete and gave him the emotional support he needed.

Shortly after Dan retired, he looked for someone to manage our newly-acquired wealth. He interviewed many different people, but settled on a pair of brothers working for Lehman Brothers, as described in Mama, Don’t Let Your Children Grow Up To Be Cowboys.

It all went well for a while. We had fun, the market rose, Dan didn’t pay close attention. Then, in September of 2008, the market crashed and with it, Dan. We lost a huge amount of money. Dan went out of his mind. We tighened our belts, rented the Vineyard house one season (I hope to never do that again). Changed money managers. Slowly, things got better, but it took a huge emotional toll on Dan .

With the children launched, we had the time to travel. We took some interesting golf cruises (I don’t play, but they provided good touring options for the non-players).

Our children live far away. We don’t get to see them often, though with a young granddaughter in London, our trips now tend to revolve around visiting her. We try to take about one other interesting trip a year, now that it seems to be safe to travel again. Dan continues to exercise and play golf when he isn’t injured. He does a bit of volunteer work at the Brandeis International Business School, though even that seems to have ground to a halt. We see a lot of movies, get together with friends. But he watches the money like a hawk. He fulfilled his “plan” long ago.