One sunny Friday afternoon we went to our local coffeeshop for a quick bite and then to the garage to get the car for our weekend drive to Connecticut.
My fair-skinned husband is prone to sunburn so after putting the convertible top down, he rubbed some sunscreen on his face. Then as he drove I was scrutinizing his profile, as wives in passenger seats are apt to do, when I noticed a drop of something white on his shirt collar. At the coffeeshop he’d complained there was too much mayo in his egg salad, and so I assumed a bit of that egg salad had somehow gotten on his shirt.
There were no handy tissues so I swiped at the white bit with my finger and then put my finger in my mouth. Of course it wasn’t egg salad but a stray bit of sunscreen and it was bitter!
I grabbed the Coppertone tube and there – in all caps – was the dire warning – FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY, DO NOT INGEST.
”I’ve just poisoned myself, you have to get me to a hospital quick so they can pump my stomach!” I cried in mounting panic.
”Calm down and call Coppertone.” said my level-headed husband. And sure enough beneath the dire warning on the tube was a toll-free customer service number, and so I took out my cell phone and called.
The Coppertone rep listened to my sad tale and asked some pertinent questions – my age and relative health, what meds I take, and how much suntan lotion I had ingested.
”Not to worry.” he said after hearing it was just a dab.
I thanked him and somewhat embarrassed I added, “I’m sorry if this sounded a little bit crazy, but believe me I thought it was egg salad!”
“Oh, I believe you lady.” he said, “You can’t make this stuff up!”
I didn’t tell that Coppertone guy, but in my head I had already written this story.
– Dana Susan Lehrman