The Smell of the Greasepaint

The Smell of the Greasepaint

As a girl coming of age in the early 60’s I was enamored of the theater and dreamt of a life on the stage.   I’ve written about my glamorous and talented great aunt Miriam who performed in grand theaters and music halls in Europe and America,  and inspired me.  And I’ve also written about my own acting and directing chops honed in community,  camp,  and college theater.   (See Aunt Miriam, Diva,  Theater Dreams   and Piano Man – Remembering Herb)

But when it was time to think seriously about career choices I rejected a thespian’s life as an unrealistic,  unattainable goal,  and trained instead to become a high school librarian.

Retired now for more than a decade,  I can look back on many happy and rewarding years working with kids in libraries.  And yet sometimes I wonder if – like the Dustin Hoffman character  in The Graduate – I should have chucked the conventional and followed the dream.

For in my mind’s eye I can still see myself up on the stage taking my final curtain call to the roar of the crowd!

Dana Susan Lehrman