The Elevator

The Elevator

By New York standards our apartment building is not very big with 16 floors and 187 apartments,  and over the years we’ve come to know many of our neighbors altho certainly not all.

One day I was in the elevator when  a women I’d seen in the building – but didn’t know – got on carrying a book.  A reader myself,  I couldn’t resist asking her what she was reading.  She showed me her book and we talked about the author whom we both admired.

By the time the elevator got to the lobby we had made a lunch date and I had invited Liz to join my book club.

And now years later Liz and I are fast friends – thanks to the fortuitous timing of that elevator ride!

My friend Liz

– Dana Susan Lehrman 

The Shape Shifter

Who are you?

Is the you you think you know authentic?

Do you examine who you are, the portrait you portray,

the person we’ve all come to know and believe it’s you?


Can you fly yet?


Does your consciousness expand on every level?

Can you slither through solid walls manipulating your molecules?

Can you immediately change your shape by simply wanting to?

Can you summon all your power into one pulsating wish until

you clearly hear your dead lover speaking?

Can you appear anywhere you want for whatever reason you want

just by focusing on it?


Can you walk on water yet?