I have a long history of poor sleep. When I was still working, a colleague and I used to joke that we should have called one another at 4:00 a.m. because we were both up at ridiculous o’clock every day.
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Lessons from Kindergarten
There were milk and cookies afterwards.
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On the Whiskey Trail
Was it a town, a hamlet, an existing site? All we knew was that it had appeared on some old marriage and birth records as far back I could trace my Scottish relatives, and we wanted to see it.
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Post Office Philosopher
Post Office Philosopher
Recently two of my out-of-town friends had birthdays and as both are serious readers I thought they’d enjoy a good book I’d just read.
So I bought two more copies, wrapped each for mailing, and headed to the post office where I found John my favorite postal guy behind the counter,
“I’ll send them book rate.” he said putting the first one on the scale. “It’ll be $4.95.” And so I took out a $10 bill to cover the anticipated postage for two.
Then John put the second book on the scale. “This one will be $5.80.” he said
Puzzled I told John that the two books were identical and should weigh and cost the same.
”Ah yes, they should,” said my post office philosopher, “but life is a bitter mystery.”
So true.
– Dana Susan Lehrman