Don’t You Ever Feel Lonely?

The UFW had some simple housing available in a local apartment building in Calexico, where I had stayed the first time.  It was pretty bleak, and soon one of my union contacts offered that I could stay at his place on the other side of the border, in Mexicali.
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Wishing for Rain on the Vineyard

Wishing for Rain on the Vineyard

We’ve spend many lovely summer vacations on Martha’s Vineyard and I’ve written about some of my memories of that idyllic island.  (See Menemsha Sunset,  and Carousel)

Of course we reveled in sunny days when it was glorious to be at the beach or on the water,  and just as delightful to stroll in town shopping, antiquing, or lunching al fresco.  And when the sun went down we’d head for the movie houses in Edgartown or Oak Bluffs.

Big movie-lovers,  back home when our son was young I’d take him to “cry baby“ screenings during the day.  And we loved meeting friends for brunch and afternoon movies on leisurely weekends.  But on the Vineyard, we discovered,  the movie theaters are shuttered during the day as it wouldn’t pay to open when everyone is at the beach.

And so after a week or so of sunny skies we’d find ourselves wishing for at least one day of inclement weather.  Then the theaters would open for daytime screenings  – and what better to do on a rainy day on the Vineyard than wait for the lights to go out and the movie to start!

– Dana Susan Lehrman