Once Upon a Time in Hollywood by
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I’ve enjoyed some of the movies that have made top ten lists. Parasite, The Irishman, JoJo Rabbit, and Marriage Story are particularly good among the ones I have been able to see. But my favorite movie of the year for pure enjoyment is Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It was released this summer, so people have pretty much forgotten about it. Directed by Quintin Tarantino (usually not my favorite) and starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt (still pretty hot for a 55-year-old), it is set in 1969 hippie Hollywood and captures so much about that time. The music, iconic characters from that era, clothing, products, television shows, bill boards – and of course Sharon Tate (Margot Robie) and Charles Manson (Damon Herriman) — all recreate how life felt as the sixties wound down. The film did receive a Golden Globe nomination in the musical/comedy category, important to remember when it comes to the Manson stuff.  If you remember 1969, I recommend this flick for you.

Profile photo of Laurie Levy Laurie Levy
Boomer. Educator. Advocate. Eclectic topics: grandkids, special needs, values, aging, loss, & whatever. Author: Terribly Strange and Wonderfully Real.

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Characterizations: well written


  1. Laurie, I enjoyed this film too and will never think about a flame thrower and a swimming pool in the same way again!
    And I loved the revisionist twist about who actually gets murdered, and the portrayal of the friendship between DiCaprio and Pitt, who indeed are not hard to look at!

  2. Betsy Pfau says:

    We very much liked the movie too, Laurie. You will see my very short review of it in my essay this week. I thought it was visually stunning and well acted. A great re-imaging of that moment in time.

  3. Suzy says:

    Thanks for this review, Laurie, it really makes me want to see the movie. I somehow missed it when it was out over the summer, and of course it’s not playing anywhere now. Guess I’ll have to wait until it is available to stream on Netflix or Amazon.

    • Laurie Levy says:

      It should be streaming soon unless it wins an award or two. Then, I suspect it will be re-released in the theaters. It was not in any way thought-provoking — just fun and entertaining. If I want to be upset, all I have to do is read the papers or watch MSNBC.

  4. Marian says:

    Laurie, I’ll be sure to add this one to my list. I’m not much of a moviegoer, but I do remember the 60s.

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