I can recall several times when something occurred that altered the course of my life forever. Times when I experienced an epiphany, in the James Joycean sense.
I experienced an epiphany, in the James Joycean sense.
Two were when I was quite young. I have few discrete memories of these events, which weren’t so much singular events as they were manifestation of the ways that I was raised and educated.
Another involved Maria, a subject that I have covered somewhat ad nauseum:
There was the accidental meeting that led to a lifelong friendship:
And most of all, there was Gina:

A hyper-annuated wannabee scientist with a lovely wife and a mountain biking problem.
Nice compilation of moments of change for you, Dave. You have written about several before and are rather cryptic about the others, but they have all brought you to this point in your life; a better place with a woman you love. All good.
I couldn’t recall another important fork in my road of life that I have not written about in Retrospect, so I lazily made a clip show!
The early ones I mentioned were not forks per se, but extended environmental and educational situations. This prompt seems to be calling for sudden moments of transition. I am sure there were others that I forgot. In fact, I just recalled one, but it involves “Maria” and she gets no more of my ink.
I get it. I also toyed with the idea of compiling a series of turning points– some of which have already made it into Retrospect because they were significant parts of my life. It turns out of course that there are multiple times when things changed, often not fully recognized except in retrospect so to speak. Thanks for including the links, and sounds like a good decision to leave dwelling on Maria in the dust.
Dave, like a lot of us, you’ve experienced so many turning points in life! I always liked the Nick Nolte line toward the end of the film, The Prince of Tides, because it bespeaks my own anticipation of what yet may come: “It is the mystery of life that sustains me now.”