Yep I finally reached the 74 water mark. Looking Young for my age, I m in relatively Good Heath. Now suffering from Diabetes with painful feet. It’s always something.
The world is in commotion. The Lord and my Loved ones are supporting me. I Just reached 500 subscribers after 5 months as a dj on my own You Tube Studio Channel. My beloved friends, Robert and Brittany Turley Took me out to a very nice Chinese Restaurant to celebrate my reaching 74. The restaurant was kiddy corner from The huge bank Of America Building which someday will be looked apon like the Parthinone in Greece. Robert has his office there. Beautiful Day. Great To be alive. Brittany picked me up in her electronic Chariot and off we went to pick up Bob on California street aand then walk over to some yummy food. I am suprised we didn’t lick our plates, the food was so good. Gave them a jar of real Honey. picture below

born in Boston in 1950 father was a country and western DJ L.A. Basin.I started my record collection when 13. always buying records having parties around 80 people in 70 Salt Lake . Played Sly and family stone, while we all got stoned. police came. we all crawled out the back windows and doors. lived in Dinwoody Mansion. 1974. dJ at a lot of LDS events.New Years at Ogden Conference Center.
It Looked Like A Big round space ship .wired tv to stereo to watch dick Clark NYE