Morning Glory Farm by
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Off of West Tisbury Road, in Katama, the beachy section of Edgartown, just a few minutes away from my home on Martha’s Vineyard, is this glorious farm stand; Morning Glory Farm. They have their own fields and sell their own produce throughout the season, open from just before Memorial Day until the day before Thanksgiving, but have grown significantly throughout the 26 years since we’ve come to this island and now carry much more than just their own produce.

They have a wonderful bake shop with home made pies and breads. My favorite summer treat is their zucchini bread (with maybe a bit of cream cheese). This was before I became more aware of my food choices, seven years ago. I could go crazy with that stuff. It was such a sweet treat. 


A few years ago, they significantly rebuilt and added on, so it is more of a general store, with a refrigerated section, selling meats, dairy, all sorts of unusual and yummy salads; one-stop shopping, though the bill will set you back a ridiculous amount.


They offer their own cook books, baking tips, exotic apples, a garden store, coffee and hot muffins, cut flowers and an inviting farmer’s porch to sit and chat with friends while you share the island gossip. I was on that porch with an out-of-town friend nine years ago when I got the call that my mother was on her way to the hospital with her final, fatal illness.

We wait for their sweet corn to come in, for the sun flowers to rise in their fields, open their faces and follow the path of the sun all day, only to be cut into magnificent bouquets for us to bring home and enjoy for days in our homes, their golden aura bringing the light inside.

A dear friend gleans in their fields one day a week. They let islanders come and, as in the Bible, what cannot be picked up by the big harvesting machines, is picked up by hand by the gleaners. Some is brought home, but some is set aside for the needy on the island, for there is much need here. It is a remarkable gesture.

Just walking into the store makes one smile, as the smells are divine. People scurry by, hurried by the day. But if you have the time to appreciate the abundance and variety, it is a feast for the senses. Just remember to bring your wallets.


Profile photo of Betsy Pfau Betsy Pfau
Retired from software sales long ago, two grown children. Theater major in college. Singer still, arts lover, involved in art museums locally (Greater Boston area). Originally from Detroit area.

Tags: Martha's Vineyard, Katama, baked goods, fresh produce, expensive


  1. Suzy says:

    Betsy, this seems like an amazing store! Your pictures are so evocative. I already have a fantasy of visiting you on Martha’s Vineyard, ever since you wrote the story about your house there, and now I can add to it a trip to Morning Glory Farm. A wonderful “shopping local” experience!

  2. Your description makes me almost see the sights and smell the aromas. Such opportunities are few and far between in my neck of the woods, except in a tangential way during Farmer’s Market season and that’s as much bizarre as bazaar. Color me jealous.

  3. John Shutkin says:

    A great, delicious story about a great, delicious place, Betsy, and the pictures you included are themselves, well, glorious. And I particularly liked the reference because, the last time I was on MV (the summer before last), my brother-in-law, who is a real foodie, insisted that we all go there for breakfast. I recall a memorable — and sinful — muffin, possibly the size of Nantucket. And the coffee drinkers all proclaimed their coffee as being superb; I even liked the smell. And, yes, we all then hung out on the porch with everyone else nibbling, sipping and shooting the breeze.

    I also loved hearing about the gleaning. Who knew? And how perfect!

  4. Marian says:

    This is a beautiful story resonant with good and colorful memories. So wonderful to read, thank you!

  5. Laurie Levy says:

    I love your tribute to Morning Glory Farm, Betsy, Makes me jealous not to have something like that near where I live. Aside from farmers’ markets, it’s hard to find things that are truly fresh. About to go to my local grocery chain store to stock up. I asked my granddaughter, who is coming over later, if she wanted a snack. She asked for a fresh, juicy peach but I doubt they will have one, Sad,

    • Betsy Pfau says:

      It is a special place, Laurie, but just in the summer. Nothing like it in the winter months. and jammed on most summer days, so you have to be strategic in planning a trip, as it is such a popular place.

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