Is that a mini skirt? by
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Just a brief memory … One summer while staying with my grandparents in 1973 or ’74, my grandmother let me pick out and then bought for me a special outfit as a treat. I wouldn’t call it a suit, but the long-sleeved top and skirt were made of the same fabric — seersucker — in an orange-ish, plaidish combo. I thought it was super. But when I wore it to the first school dance that fall, I realized my hemline was horrifyingly two or three inches lower than every other girl’s. So I did what any resourceful fashion dork would do … I went into the bathroom and hiked that orange skirt under the matching orange top clear up to my armpits. Did it help? Well, if you think a nice orange wallflower is good decor, sure!

Fashion catastrophe at a junior high dance I did what any resourceful fashion dork would do...
Profile photo of KCS KCS

Characterizations: funny


  1. Susan says:

    Trying to visualize the orange-ish plaid-ish…getting vertigo..

    Cute snippet, thanks for sharing!

  2. Patricia says:

    I am probably guilty of hiking a skirt up over the midriff, but mostly we rolled the waistband up and down depending on who was nearby. Two or three inches could make all the difference!

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