Hat’s Off to Garth! by
(90 Stories)

Prompted By Hats

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As this prompt was actually my husband’s idea, I thought I’d give him credit where credit’s due. He happens to have quite a hat collection himself — at least fifteen (not including caps). The featured photo, taken by him, is one of them.

I do love a man in a hat.


Profile photo of Barbara Buckles Barbara Buckles
Artist, writer, storyteller, spy. Okay, not a spy…I was just going for the rhythm.

I call myself “an inveterate dabbler.” (And my husband calls me “an invertebrate babbler.”) I just love to create one way or another. My latest passion is telling true stories live, on stage. Because it scares the hell out of me.

As a memoirist, I focus on the undercurrents. Drawing from memory, diaries, notes, letters and photographs, I never ever lie, but I do claim creative license when fleshing out actual events in order to enhance the literary quality, i.e., what I might have been wearing, what might have been on the table, what season it might have been. By virtue of its genre, memoir also adds a patina of introspection and insight that most probably did not exist in real time.

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Characterizations: funny, well written


  1. One lucky man in a hat, that Garth fella!

  2. Suzy says:

    You are teasing us with this wisp of a story! Love his hat, love his photography skills, but I want more! How about pictures of the rest of his hats? Or of Garth himself in one of his hats?

    • Sorry, Suzy…I probably should have written a story, but I really just wanted to give him a public thumbs up. And I wanted it to be a surprise so I didn’t include a photo of him in case it turned out he didn’t like it! He did see it this morning…it was fun to see his smiling reaction.

  3. Laurie Levy says:

    Thank Garth for me for thinking of a great prompt idea. And I love his hat.

  4. Betsy Pfau says:

    Nice chapeau, Mr. Garth! Artistic photo and good-looking hat. Please thank him for the great prompt. It brought out lots of fun photos and interesting responses, Barb (including that wonderful photo of you and your brother).

  5. Marian says:

    Nice tribute to Garth, that photo is stunning, Barb!

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