Wow, blue books! So many memories! I considered calling the story “Blank Space” — because there was always a lot more blank space than writing in my blue books — but figured this crowd wouldn’t know the Taylor Swift song, so I went with a 1970 song that applies equally well to my exam-taking experience.
At Harvard, many exams, especially in large survey courses, were given in a cavernous room in Memorial Hall, a High Victorian Gothic structure built in the 1870s to honor the college’s Civil War dead (but only those who fought for the Union). Lots of different exams would be going on in there at the same time, with students sitting at endless rows of long tables. The people sitting near you might or might not be in the same course as you. These exams always seemed to be proctored by the same man, who was known to all as Mr. Goodpeople, because he started every sentence with the phrase “good people.” So he would say, “Good people, you may open your blue books now,” then after almost three hours of silence, “Good people, you have ten minutes remaining,” and finally “Good people, close your blue books and put your pens and pencils down.” He spoke into a microphone, because the hall was so big that it was the only way everyone would hear him. It was pretty intimidating. When my son became a Harvard student, I was amused to learn that this cavernous exam room had been turned into the freshman dining hall, known as Annenberg, so I don’t know where they give exams now.
My worst blue book exam memory is from freshman year, from the most horrendous course ever given, known as Nat Sci 5. I took it to fulfill the one year of natural science that was part of the Gen Ed requirements. The fact that it was a single digit suggested that it was an introductory course, and the title was something about biology, which was the only science I had taken in high school. Unfortunately, it was neither introductory nor strictly biology. All the pre-meds were in this class, which should have tipped me off. After the first semester, I had a grade of C- and I could have dropped it then and taken a semester of some other science. But I knew there was a paper in the second semester, and I always did well on papers, so I figured I could bring up my grade. Big mistake! The second semester was heavily biochemistry, with amino acids, the Krebs Cycle, and god knows what else. I had never taken chemistry and I was totally lost. I did write the paper, and got a decent grade on that, but it wasn’t going to save me. So I went into the final exam with a sense of foreboding, and possibly a few amino acids sketched out on my hand.
The exam had ten questions on it, each worth ten points. On seven of them, I didn’t even begin to understand the question and couldn’t possibly formulate an answer, even a BS one. The other three I actually did answer, possibly with the help of those sketches that may or may not have been on my hand. I also wrote a note in the blue book to the graders, begging them to pass me, because if I flunked the course I would have to take another year of Nat Sci, and that would probably cause me to quit school. We always put stamped, self-addressed postcards in our blue books so that we could find out how we did on the exam – otherwise all we would know was the overall course grade when our transcripts were mailed to us late in the summer. Soon after I got home, my postcard from Nat Sci 5 arrived, saying I had gotten a 29 on the final exam. I was elated! I had only answered three questions, which meant the most points I could have accrued was 30, and I had gotten 29 of them. That seemed pretty perfect to me – I should have gotten an A for how well I did on the questions I answered! What I actually got in the course was a D+, but that was okay with me, because it was sufficient to satisfy the Nat Sci requirement and I was done with science!
My next blue book memory is from a course called Soc Sci 137. It was a general education course about the law, taught by Paul A. Freund, who was a professor at the law school. It was a hugely popular course, with hundreds of students in it. A good friend of mine, also named Paul, was taking the class with me, and when we were preparing our stamped, self-addressed postcards to put into our blue books, he wrote on his, “It was a great experience having you in my class, PAF.” This was obviously a joke, to make it look like he had received this flattering message from the great Paul A. Freund. I thought that was a funny idea, so I did it too. When I got my postcard back, there was another note written under mine saying “I hope it was for you, PAF.” I have no memory of what grade I got in the course, but I was pretty jazzed to get a handwritten note from Freund! I looked for that postcard to illustrate this story, but alas, it must have gotten lost at some point in the last 50 years.
My final blue book memory is from my first exam at UC Davis Law School. UC Davis started out as an agricultural college, and the school’s nickname is the Aggies. When they passed out the blue books, I saw that the honor code was printed on the front, along with a statement saying that we would neither give nor receive aid on this exam. I didn’t have a problem with promising not to give or receive aid. My problem was that the statement we were signing started out “I, _________________, a California Aggie, promise . . . .” You were supposed to print your name in the blank and then sign at the end. I was a city girl, and didn’t like the idea of calling myself an Aggie. I wanted to put in my name and cross out “a California Aggie,” but in the end I left it. I didn’t want the professor to be biased against me when he was grading the exam.
I would have thought blue books would be obsolete now in the computer era, but apparently colleges still use them. I guess they can’t let students bring their laptops into an exam. Even if they turned off the WiFi, the kids could have all the answers stored on their hard drives.

Suzy, your Nat Sc5 class would have been my worst nightmare as well. I wonder if colleges today still have what we called distribution requirements. I elected to take Astronomy and Botany for my science ones and remember nothing. Thanks for reminding me of those postcards. You capture the terror of trying to write under tremendous pressure.
Yes, at least some colleges still have distribution requirements. My youngest is a senior in college now, and had a terrible time finding courses she could handle for the math and science requirements. Liberal arts colleges pride themselves on providing a well-rounded education whether you want it or not!
You have remarkably vivid memories from those years, Suzy. We all might have taken some of those exams, but I can’t believe you actually remember your exact score on the Nat Sci 5 exam! Impressive! And I love that you got a little note from Paul Freund. And your righteous indignation about being called an “Aggie”. Michigan State also began as an agricultural college. We used to call it “Moo U”. But of course, now it is a terrific school. Great story filled with wonderful details.
My memories of Nat Sci 5 are so vivid because I still have PTSD from that course. I could go on for hours about it, and sometimes I do. And getting a 29 out of 30 possible points is pretty memorable, don’t you think?
P.S. Davis is a terrific school too!
I agree that getting 29 out of 30 is, indeed, memorable, Suzy.
I loved your various stories, especially since they so overlapped with my own experiences — not surprisingly. In particular, I do remember Mr. Goodpeople and all the exams in Mem Hall, as well as taking the Nat Sci 5 exam — probably the year before you, but also involving regurgitation of the Krebs Citric Acid Cycle. What I didn’t know, however, was about you and Paul writing a complimentary note to yourselves from Prof. Freund on the postcards in Soc. Sci 137. I pulled the same trick with one of my anthropology professors, though I had had several courses with him, knew he liked me and he had a good sense of humor, so I didn’t consider it too risky or obnoxious. (I did get a nice, funny note from him back; and a very good grade.)
Anyhow, again, I really loved YOUR stories (not mine), and especially learning that you are an Aggie.
Thanks, John. I think we may have taken Nat Sci 5 at the same time, but since there were literally hundreds of people in that class, you wouldn’t necessarily know if your friends were in it or not. Here’s my only good memory from that class: after the lecture on April 9th, which was from 12 to 1, many of us walked over to University Hall and joined the building occupation that had started at noon.
Great story, Suzy. I was fortunate enough to have done really well on the biology advanced placement exam (talk about exams) to avoid that science requirement at Brandeis (and later at Mills). Betsy might know about this, at Brandeis the pre-med students had an organic chemistry course called “orgo the unconquerable,” about which some friends have PTSD to this day. Loved the honor code!
Thanks Marian. I suspect Harvard didn’t waive the gen ed requirements on the basis of AP exams. I had friends who entered with sophomore standing based on their APs, but I think they still had to take 2 semesters each of natural science, social science, and humanities.
A few years ago I wound up in a texting exchange with my niece-in-law who was attending a conference with a dinner in Annenberg Hall. She and her fellow conferrees were excited that this was clearly a setting from Hogwarts.
How funny, Jean! When we do the admitted students’ reception every year, we try to tell the kids about the House system, and that used to be puzzling to them until Harry Potter. Now we say that at the end of freshman year you get sorted into a House for the next three years, and it makes perfect sense to them!.
I was warned about Nat Sci 5 and stayed away. I took a cool course on Astronomy with Dr Gingerich, who later turned very spiritual as his work and his own thinking took him further into the mysteries of the universe. But when I took the course, it was nuts and bolts yet amazing. I think it satisfied the Nat Sci requirements.
Well I wish someone had warned ME. My freshman advisor told me it was the best Nat Sci for me to take, since I had had biology in HS. Afterwards I realized I should have taken Nat Sci 10 aka Rocks for Jocks.