Retrospect: Forgetting
By Kevin J. W. Driscoll (c) 2024
I’ve lost my car and house keys more times than I can count. Once, I even forgot where I parked my car. It’s like my brain is a sieve, letting all the important stuff slip through while holding onto useless trivia like the lyrics to obscure 80s pop songs. (“Never gonna give you up, Never gonna let you down”.) It’s a wonder I haven’t gotten lost in my own home – yet.
I know, I know – forgetfulness is a universal experience. We’ve all had those moments when we’ve walked into a room and completely forgotten why we were there? Or when we’ve stood in front of the refrigerator, staring blankly at the contents, unable to remember what we wanted to eat? It’s a constant reminder that our minds are not as sharp as we think they are.
But perhaps our forgetfulness is a blessing in disguise. It can lead to some hilarious and embarrassing situations. I once forgot to turn off the stove after cooking dinner. My feelings of remorse and relief was pretty much equal – I am of the ‘no harm no foul’ category – except of course for the waste of money.
There are times when forgetfulness can have serious consequences. Forgetting to pay a bill can lead to financial penalties. Forgetting to take medication can have adverse health effects. And forgetting to lock the door can make your home vulnerable to thieves.
But even in the face of these potential dangers, it is important for us to remember that forgetfulness is a normal part of life. As we age, our memory naturally declines. And even young people can experience lapses in memory. So next time you forget something, don’t beat yourself up about it. Just laugh it off and move on. After all, we’re all in this together.

(Mostly) Vegetarian, Politically Progressive, Daily Runner, Spiritual, Helpful, Friendly, Kind, Warm Hearted and Forgiving. Resident of Braintree MA.
I was going to make some witty and incisive comment, but I seem to have forgotten what it was. It will come to me…,
Yep Kevin.
When leaving my car in a large parking lot I try to remember to take a photo of some landmark near the car like a pole or a tree.
But then I can’t find the pole or the tree. A losing battle these days!