Deep Fried Butter by
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I never knew you could fry butter, Pepsi, Oreos, Peanut Butter Cups, Twinkies, Snickers, brownies, or cookie dough until I attended my first state fair in Indianapolis, Indiana. We went with our daughter and small grandkids in August, 2010. The amusements were fun and the kids liked the animals and riding the ponies. But that food! I never knew everything imaginable could be fried. Until we went, I felt I had been deprived of this experience as a child and had in turn deprived my own kids. I guess missing out on deep fried butter wasn’t such a bad thing.

Not totally thrilled

Grilled cheese was the healthiest option there

Riding a pony was fun

How do you fry Pepsi?

But that food! I never knew everything imaginable could be fried.

RetroFlash — 100 words

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Profile photo of Laurie Levy Laurie Levy
Boomer. Educator. Advocate. Eclectic topics: grandkids, special needs, values, aging, loss, & whatever. Author: Terribly Strange and Wonderfully Real.

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Characterizations: funny, right on!, well written


  1. Khati Hendry says:

    The pictures are wonderful!! I think there is an informal competition in the “what is the most outrageous thing that can be fried?” at some fairs,. But do you suppose they give ribbons for that too?

  2. Betsy Pfau says:

    It looks like the kids are having a ball, Laurie, but I’m with you about the food. I’ll skip the deep-fried stuff. Great Flash!

  3. Marian says:

    Ay ay ay, I’ve seen deep fried, but never Pepsi or butter. Hear that fried ice cream is good, too. Time to take a Tums, Laurie.

  4. Suzy says:

    Great RetroFlash, and adorable pictures, Laurie. I have a picture of “Deep Fried Everything” in my story too. I think we tried deep fried Coke one year, and it wasn’t that great. I thought it would be liquid in the center, but it was just Coke-flavored dough. Mostly we eat the healthier fair food, like shark tacos.

  5. OMG, who knew indeed!
    (And BTW your grandkids are adorable!)

  6. John Shutkin says:

    Yes, Laurie, these deep fried “treats” — or anything with bacon added — seem to be featured at many state fairs. I even alluded to them in my RetroFlash. I have avoided them, but friends have told me that most of them are as yummy as they are bad for you.

  7. A wonderful Retroflash about a wonderfully awful phenomenon IMO. I have never observed the breadth of the fried menu that you describe in indiana. Makes me wonder whether whoever launched it might have had a little brother “Mikey”. Let’s see if Mikey will eat THIS!

  8. Wow, Laurie. You went to MY state fair! (I grew up in Indianapolis and it was a big deal to go AT LEAST ONCE each year.) As to the food, nothing for me compared to the lemon shakeups–way better than any so-called lemonade you could buy anywhere else.

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