Dark Into Light by
(25 Stories)

Prompted By Hello Darkness

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I used to hate the short, dark days of December. I’d sink into them. Sulk. Play the Blues. Then I spent one New Years in Iceland. It was dark but for two hours of twilight midday. Two white swans floated on the placid pond in Reykjavik. Time passed slowly. We sipped Scotch at 6. Huddled before the fire. I’ve switched it around now, in my head, so today, the shortest day of the year, I almost feel regret as the days grow longer, the light comes back and I begin counting the days till the light again begins to wane.


Profile photo of Penny K Penny Righthand

Characterizations: right on!, well written


  1. Suzy says:

    That’s quite a transformation, Penny! I note, though, that you say you “almost” feel regret, so perhaps you still welcome the lengthening of the days like the rest of us do.

  2. Betsy Pfau says:

    Quite a lovely transformation.

  3. As impressionistic as a painting, Penny…I love your use of 100 words!

  4. Laurie Levy says:

    A truly unique point of view, Penny. Great use of the RetroFlash format.

  5. Marian says:

    Beautiful, Penny. I love the contrast in the days so far north. I’ve basked in the 24-hour daylight of Alaska and Norway and have always wondered what it would feel like in the long darkness, and you’ve expressed it so well.

  6. Lovely, brief rumination, Penny. Your acknowledgment of twilight’s gifts prompts me to think of — despite the tragedy of our current circumstances — I value the simplicity that isolation brings with it.

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