Couldn’t Choose One by
(90 Stories)

Prompted By Rewatchable Movies

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No matter how many times I’ve seen it, if I happen upon it while channel surfing, I get sucked into it again. Tight writing and directing that doesn’t miss a beat, top-notch actors with believable chemistry, an evocative sense of time and place, great cinematography, and unforgettable music…such movies often define an entire genre.

For all or most of those reasons, my Top 12:

Blade Runner


Dirty Dancing

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

High Fidelity

Out of Africa

Primal Fear

Pulp Fiction

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

The Big Lebowski

The Game

Thelma & Louise

Urban Cowboy


RetroFlash/100 words


Profile photo of Barbara Buckles Barbara Buckles
Artist, writer, storyteller, spy. Okay, not a spy…I was just going for the rhythm.

I call myself “an inveterate dabbler.” (And my husband calls me “an invertebrate babbler.”) I just love to create one way or another. My latest passion is telling true stories live, on stage. Because it scares the hell out of me.

As a memoirist, I focus on the undercurrents. Drawing from memory, diaries, notes, letters and photographs, I never ever lie, but I do claim creative license when fleshing out actual events in order to enhance the literary quality, i.e., what I might have been wearing, what might have been on the table, what season it might have been. By virtue of its genre, memoir also adds a patina of introspection and insight that most probably did not exist in real time.

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Characterizations: right on!, well written


  1. Thanx Bebe, you’ve named some movies I’ve never seen, adding them to my bucket list!

  2. Betsy Pfau says:

    Good list, Barb. We get sucked into movies while channel surfing too. The only one on your list that I’m not very familiar with is The Game. I think we’ve only seen bits of it, but David Fincher always delivers.

  3. Laurie Levy says:

    You reminded me of many of my favorites, Barb. We just saw Chinatown for an online film class and it really holds up well. Have Ferris Bueller on our DVD for a pick me up. I would rewatch any of the films on your list!

  4. John Shutkin says:

    A really good list, Barb. Thanks for sharing. And it reminded me that, despite the disclaimer in my own story, there are some other movies that I’ve at least seen large parts of more than once. Ferris Bueller and The Big Lebowski in particular.

  5. Marian says:

    Nice RetroFlash, Barb, and a good reminder to rewatch a bunch on this list, plus a few I’ve not seen, like High Fidelity and Primal Fear.

  6. Khati Hendry says:

    I am a wuss when it comes to drama, and some of the films you mention sound like scary movies (Primal Fear, Blade Runner, Pulp Fiction) and too painful to watch, however well-made. But I trust your artistic sense, and thank you for the list.

  7. Suzy says:

    Actually you list 13 movies. I’ve seen 8 of them, and agree that they were all wonderful, although I don’t know if I necessarily want to rewatch them. Now I need to take a look at the other 5. We don’t have any such thing as channel surfing, because we don’t have cable, but presumably I can find them streaming somewhere, or check out the DVDs from the library.

  8. “Tight writing and directing that doesn’t miss a beat, top-notch actors with believable chemistry, an evocative sense of time and place, great cinematography, and unforgettable music…such movies often define an entire genre.” Well, I guess that defines the polar opposite of my rewatchable movies. Just kidding. Sorta. But well said, and your list is spot on.

  9. I have seen most but not all of your 13. The others are now on my bucket list. Actually my bucket list–both for movies and for other things to do–is more conceptual than real. If I do not do everything on my list, will I be disappointed? I don’t think so, and I hope that I will not know.

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