Not a picture of us, but close enough!
Originally this story was titled “Closing Out the ’70s in my 20s.” It began as follows: I know you are surprised that I didn’t use a song for the title of this story. But I just remembered this particular New Year’s Eve while I was in the shower this morning, and wanted to get the story written and posted without spending my usual lengthy period of time looking for the appropriate song. So here it is.
Then Betsy suggested the perfect song for the title, and I changed it.
This was the cast of characters:
I was a couple of years out of law school, working at the Attorney General’s Office, and decidedly single, having recently been through a couple of bad relationships.
Arlene, one of my roommates from the Cambridge Street house I had lived in earlier in the decade, had come to see me for the holidays. She was living either in Knoxville, Tennessee, where she earned her Ph.D., or in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, where she got her first teaching job at Central Michigan University. In either case, a town she wanted to escape from by visiting me in California.
Karen, a recent law school graduate, whom I had met when we both worked at the ALRB, who had been hanging around with Arlene and me.
Lita, who had also been a roommate of Arlene’s and mine in Cambridge, was living in the Bay Area and still finishing law school, or maybe she had just graduated.
We were all looking for something fun to do for New Year’s Eve.
As it happened, I had been invited to two parties, but knew only the hosts, and had no idea what kind of crowd would be at each. One was in Palo Alto and the other was in Oakland. These cities are not very near each other, nor are they near Sacramento. Thanks to Google Maps (which, of course, didn’t exist in the ’70s), we now can see the approximate mileage of these trips:
Sacramento to Oakland – 80 miles
Sacramento to Palo Alto – 120 miles
Palo Alto to Oakland – 40 miles
Given these distances, and the number of drunk or crazy people who are out on the highways on New Year’s Eve, it was obviously not reasonable to go to both parties. But you know that’s what we did.
My car was an Alfa Romeo Spider, a two-seater, so we obviously couldn’t take that. Arlene had no car, and Lita lived on the way. That left Karen, who had some kind of sensible sedan and luckily was willing to be the driver. So we set out in her car from Sacramento, picking up Lita somewhere in the East Bay. We decided to go to the Palo Alto party first, although I can’t remember why. It may have been because we predicted (correctly) that the food there would be better.
The Palo Alto party was given by a married couple, friends from law school, who already lived in a very grown-up house and had a pretty grown-up crowd at their party. But the food was great, and the alcohol was flowing, along with the occasional joint. Since I wasn’t driving, I felt free to partake of both the drinks and the smokes, and was feeling pleasantly wasted. After a couple of hours, my friends concluded that the men there were not that interesting and we should head over to the other party. That was fine with me. Then Karen said that she wasn’t in shape to drive, and I would have to drive her car. Yikes! I needed to drink some coffee and try to sober up enough to drive!
When I felt sufficiently in control to drive, we said our good-byes and headed out. I had no idea how to get from Palo Alto to Oakland, and this was long before GPS or any kind of route guidance. All we had was a Triple A map of Northern California, and someone was trying to navigate from that, although it required turning on the interior light in the car, which made it hard to see the road. Most of the route was on roads that were not highways and did not have much lighting or signage, so reading the map was crucial.
We realized it was now after 11:00, and we needed to get to the other party before midnight – we didn’t want to ring in the new year in the car! But then Lita said that she was feeling nauseated. I offered to pull the car off the road if she had to barf. No, she said, I need a burrito, we have to find a Taco Bell. This was kind of unbelievable to the rest of us, but we managed to find a Taco Bell, it was open, she got her burrito and we continued on our way. And it really did settle her stomach!
Once we got to Oakland, we still had to find the party house. Time was running out. We finally found it, parked the car and went running inside. It was five minutes to twelve. We grabbed some glasses of champagne, watched the ball go down on the small TV they had, and toasted the new decade. We savored the fact that we had made it in one piece and on time. And then I said, “I will never do anything like that again!”

Ah, youth – wasted on the young!
Happy New Year Suzy!
Well that’s what they say, but I think I made good use of my youth then, and I wouldn’t want to do those things now!
I always interpreted it to mean that in our youth we had all that youthful energy and daring. but alas now that we’re older we no longer have it – it was all used up in our younger days!
What a great, age-appropriate story, Suzy! Maybe you should see about turning it into a female-centric version of “The Hangover.” Seriously, I think it resonated with all of us who have done seriously stupid things when we were young. Which is to say all of us. And I think your outlook is exactly right: perfectly understandable for us to want to have done at that age (road trip!!), and no interest in doing it now.
Incidentally, that “burrito cure” reminds me of the use of snake venom as an antidote for a snake bite.
By the way, how was the second party?
The second party was great! . . . Okay, in truth I don’t remember much about it. Or whether we returned to Sacramento that night or stayed in the Bay Area. Or who drove the car when we left the party. . . . I’m sending the story to Arlene though, maybe her memory will be clearer.
You and your friends packed the most living into a single night. Amazing. And Taco Bell to settle the stomach? That’s a new one. Sounds like you all had so much fun together and that’s what it was all about.
We did have fun together, you’re right. And that IS what it’s all about (not doing the Hokey Pokey).
Suzy, that is a great story about the insanity of youth. Very amusing and nostalgic at the same time. As a fellow shower-idea writer, I’m glad this memory popped into your head so you could share it.
Thanks, Laurie. I do get some of my best ideas in the shower!
I, too, do a lot of shower-thinking, but this one came to me yesterday while watching TV…a song title for this story: “Girls Just Want to Have Fun”? Seems that’s just what you and your friends were up to; and accomplished! (Somehow, can’t even use that term – was going to say “mission accomplished” – anymore without seeing a grinning jackass on a flight deck in military jacket and thumbs up…terrible when our leaders co-opt good phrases).
Happy New Year’s Suzy. Here’s to the restoration of Democratic rule in 2020!
Betsy, that’s a brilliant suggestion, I don’t know why I didn’t think of it myself. Maybe I should start consulting you whenever I am having trouble with a title. Happy New Year to you too, and I’ll tip a glass to the restoration of Democratic rule!
Suzy, I love this story and all the little details — the eagerness to attend two far-flung parties in one night, reading AAA maps by dim dome light, the Taco Bell burrito cure for indigestion — serve as perfect illustrations of the time and your age. As for a song title, would “Party Like It’s 1999” be too obvious?
John, that’s a great song title too! You and Betsy are both hired as my brain trust! And by the way, would love to see a story from you now and then!