Baby Shoes by
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Baby Shoes

I’m not the sentimental type,  but when our son outgrew his first pair of baby shoes I decided to have them bronzed – separately.

I gave one shoe to my mother-in-law who was then a widow,  and the other shoe to my parents.

Years later when my mother-in-law died we took back her shoe,  and when both my folks were gone we took back it’s mate.

And now when I see those two bronze shoes standing together on our bookshelf.  I think about our son when he was a baby and the grandparents who loved him so much!

– Dana Susan Lehrman

Profile photo of Dana Susan Lehrman Dana Susan Lehrman
This retired librarian loves big city bustle and cozy country weekends, friends and family, good books and theatre, movies and jazz, travel, tennis, Yankee baseball, and writing about life as she sees it on her blog World Thru Brown Eyes!

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Tags: Grandparents, Grandchildren


  1. Betsy Pfau says:

    How lovely that those shoes came back to you from the grandparents when they passed and now you have them as reminders of both Noah and the dear departed, for whom they were keepsakes. Sweet, Dana.

  2. Marian says:

    Dana, you are the first person I know (at least virtually) who has bronzed a child’s baby shoes. Kudos to you, and I’m glad you now have them to cherish.

  3. Suzy says:

    Dana, what a great idea to bronze the two shoes separately and give them to the grandparents on both sides. As you will see in my story, I have the baby shoes from each of my children, but they are still in the original Stride Rite boxes. I remember getting lots of offers in the mail to have them bronzed, and I ignored them. Now you are making me wish I had done it, although they might have still ended up on the closet shelf where the shoeboxes now are. Thanks for a lovely story!

  4. When someone assures me they’re not the sentimental type, I feel sure they actually are. These bronze shoes and the story that goes with them add up to a lovely sentiment — which is not to say you’re sentimental, no siree, Bob. In any case, a really lovely story, Dee!

  5. Laurie Levy says:

    Dana, I have a pair of bronze shoes on my book shelf too, but they are mine. I also inherited them from my parents, although I think my mother gave them to me before she died. At first, I thought they were weird because obviously they didn’t evoke memories of my babyhood. But now that my parents are gone, they remind me of how special they thought I was as their first child (sorry to my younger bros whose shoes were not bronzed).

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