At Least This Time It Wasn’t Futile by
(141 Stories)

Prompted By Resistance

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Resistance takes courage and commitment, two things I often find that I have a short supply of. But sometimes….even I have limits.


Profile photo of Dave Ventre Dave Ventre
A hyper-annuated wannabee scientist with a lovely wife and a mountain biking problem.

Tags: Animals Cruelty Bullies Childhood
Characterizations: well written


  1. Thanx for the chance to reread your story Even I Have Limits.

    Bravo Dave, and so glad you saved that innocent bull frog from the real bullies!

  2. Khati Hendry says:

    This is such a good story, with a happy frog ending despite the evil in play. Now if we could only figure out a way to rescue the frog of democracy and to avoid being slowly boiled to death by climate change. Sigh.

  3. Betsy Pfau says:

    Thanks for reminding us of your love of animals and your own form of resistance, Dave. Good job!

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