Retrospect Book
I hadn’t realized how closely Patti and John had listened when I’d described my experience at the Chilmark Writer’s Workshop on Martha’s Vineyard, a wonderful, supportive writing workshop given by Nancy Slonim Aronie, an island legend (and beyond; she teaches at Kripalu, is featured on “All Things Considered”, and just published her third book). I took it three times between 2003-2011. It wasn’t about how to craft an excellent story, but rather about finding one’s voice and being in a magical writing circle where everyone divulged revealing tales about themselves. Nancy talked about various aspects of writing on each of the four days of the course, then gave us prompts, including one to write overnight and spend at least 15 minutes on it. I confess, a few of those stories made their way onto this site. We grew as we shared these intimate stories. Nancy insisted that we only give positive comments. John picked up on that too. So Retrospect became a place for supportive comments, not criticizing. Long-distance friendships were made. Serious discussions took place. Personal tales revealed.
John, Patti and a close friend of theirs worked long and hard to craft a user-friendly platform where Boomers could share their tales on a weekly basis, based on site-based prompts, or choose a story-line of one’s own. Positive comments could be offered, but only by vetted users of the site. The administrators hoped to build a wide community and a huge inventory of stories around shared prompts relating to topics from our collective experiences. It worked well for a long time, but it also took a lot of time and effort on everyone’s part to come up with interesting, probing prompts and keep improving the application while attracting new writers and readers.
I was flattered when my friends approached me in the late fall of 2015 with the request to be a beta tester of the site (we had discussed the idea over dinner once when we saw them, earlier in the year. They know me well and knew that I am not shy about telling my stories and I had some good ones to share). John helped me set up my online profile and knew that if I could use their site, then it was tech-friendly enough for anyone. They gave prompts four weeks in advance. I like to write ahead, so I can let my thoughts marinate, then come back and edit! My assignment was to write three stories and comment on three others, just to see how it would go. The first prompt was “What We Ate” (again, based on the first story always written up in Chilmark, which was “Dinner at our house was…”). The story went live on December 14, 2015 – 9 years ago.
I was hooked. I wrote and wrote – every week for eight years. I wrote weeks ahead so that I had a story to put up, even when we were traveling. But keeping this site going took a tremendous amount of effort, not just coming up with new, interesting prompts, but gaining new authors and readers, keeping out the spam, keeping the software running. So, after three years, my friends decided it was time to pack it in. I wrote a fond tribute to them for the prompt “Turning Points”, which went live on December 31, 2018.
Yet, several writers didn’t want this great site to end, so took it over from Patti, John and Susan, with new Admins and a new infusion of capital. After a few month’s hiatus, it started up again on March 1, 2019 with the prompt “New Beginnings”.
I used to post my stories to Facebook, but discovered that wasn’t a good idea, for privacy reasons, so asked my readers to indicate who would like to receive a link each week as the story went live. The new Admins moved the publishing day from Monday to Saturday and by this time I had a nice list of people to whom I sent the story link. I decided that I had to write a letter of introduction before sending out the link, so somehow, I wrote two stories each week (in a manner of speaking). My list grew and changed, as more people learned about these stories. And after several years, these new administrators had also run their course. But again, current writers stepped in to take the site over, planning the new prompts each week. Yet with each iteration, features were lost on the site (we weren’t keeping up with changes in underlying software).
By the end of 2023, I had written 360 stories. It took a lot of time to think, write and search through old photo albums, looking for just the right photos to use to illustrate my stories. And I felt like I’d said what I had to say. When I told my son that I was no longer going to write on a weekly basis, he said 360 was a good number – I had come full circle. So at the beginning of this year, I only wrote when a prompt really spoke to me, or I found an old prompt and wrote a story when I was really upset about something.
It seems I wasn’t alone in taking a step back. Now, very few people wrote on a weekly basis, so it was determined that this would be the final prompt. We had a great run. The site will stay live, so people can continue to read the stories, or write if the spirit moves them (and I will have an opportunity to print my stories – I haven’t saved or printed anything since 2018). We made great friends along the way (we even had a Retro get-together or two – here is a local one, though NYC friends drove up for this brunch). There are four writers at this table.
Now I bid you adieu. Be kind and take care of one another. Keep in touch, I still want to hear from you. And keep telling your story.

Retired from software sales long ago, two grown children. Theater major in college. Singer still, arts lover, involved in art museums locally (Greater Boston area). Originally from Detroit area.
Thanx Betsy for the story of your Retro journey! And who knew when we met years ago thru your Brandeis connection to my husband Danny that I’d become a Retro writer and then a Retro admin!
It has indeed been a great run!
And thanx for the photo – here’s to more Retro reunions and to the wonderful friendships we’d made on this storytelling adventure!
xox Dana
Thank you, Dana! Yes, it has been a fun ride and a worthwhile journey together. The friendship transcends Retrospect, but has only been strengthened here. It will continue.
This is a great recap of the story of Retrospect, and your own writing story too. You certainly contributed mightily over the years and I like the description of having come “full circle”. I hope you do print out the stories—they are an amazing personal history that will not be lost. And of course you never know when there may be more to come. Until we meet again then, be well and carry on.
Thank you for this lovely comment and all the exchanges we’ve had throughout the years, Khati. Sorry we haven’t made them in person – yet! I do hope we connect someday, but this has been most rewarding. I think you are exceptional in so many ways. It has been a pleasure to write along side you. As you so aptly said – until we meet again, be well and carry on!
As Patti eloquently put it, we couldn’t have done it without you! We’re thrilled that Retrospect — and the Retrospect community — took on such an important role in your life.
I’ve said it before, but it was also a pleasure seeing your writing become even more adept and confident over the years. A perfect illustration of the maxim that the only way to become a better writer is to write!
Looking forward to celebrating many more occasions together. xo
Thank you John- for everything. I, too, look forward to many more celebrations together.
Retro has changed much in the short period that I have been involved. I am still unsure where it is headed, but I hope it keeps on going in some form. My own writing has suffered in the last year as I fight personal demons that have long plagued me; they wax and wane. 2024 was a very waxy year! They seem to be currently on the wane; I hope they stay quiet….
I, too, hope your demons are on the wane. After so many years of involvement, I don’t know what more I will do beyond saving and printing my own stories but I have so enjoyed reading your stories and getting to know you vicariously. I hope you keep writing. Let me know if you do.