All Four Of My Grandparents Were Refugees. by
(87 Stories)

Prompted By Refugees

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Please understand that I know everything is not about me but my retrospections are mostly about me, I mean there are mine after all.

My title 'All Four Of My Grandparents Are Refugees' is true, kind of.

My title ‘All Four Of My Grandparents Are Refugees’ is true, kind of.

Both my Paternal grandparents came from Ireland, forced to move somewhere else, in this case the Boston area, because of the potato famine.  What I found out later was my paternal grandfather was from south eastern Ireland  and my paternal grandmother was from the north western part of Ireland – meaning they never would have met except by emigrating to Boston. Hmmm.

Both my Maternal grandparents came from Canada where they lacked opportunities so they emigrated to the USA. (I say ’emigrated’ but back them one would just go visit, get a job, get married and stay.) My grandfather was from the Toronto area and my grandmother was from the Montreal area. It took courage to move to America and that was where they met and eventually I am a direct result of their courage and steadfastness.

Profile photo of Kevin Driscoll Kevin Driscoll
(Mostly) Vegetarian, Politically Progressive, Daily Runner, Spiritual, Helpful, Friendly, Kind, Warm Hearted and Forgiving. Resident of Braintree MA.

Characterizations: funny, right on!, well written


  1. Laurie Levy says:

    Most of us, unless we are of Native American heritage, have refugees/immigrants as part of our backgrounds. It surprises me how many Americans forget that in their attitudes toward the asylum seekers in Mexico.

  2. Courage and steadfastness were indeed qualities of our grandparents generation Kevin!

  3. Dave Ventre says:

    Where did your Canadian ancestors immigrate to Canada from? It seems that a lot of Canadians have Scottish heritage.

  4. Susan Bennet says:

    My favorite feature of your story, Kevin, is the “meet and marry” aspect of your relatives’ history. It leaves one in awe of chance, doesn’t it?
    What better place to meet than in Boston.

  5. Betsy Pfau says:

    Of course your stories about you, Kevin. And we want to know your stories. Most of us have grandparents who came from other countries. Thank you for telling us where yours came from. Fun fact that they all wound up in Boston and you are the product of “their courage and steadfastness”. Well said!

    I came to the Boston area for college, but met a local (at that college) and stayed. Not sure it had anything to do with courage or steadfastness, but here I am.

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