2017. Apologizing to the World about Trump by
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Lucern, Switzerland





This year, mostly because

My health indicates a

                            Now or never

Approach to any 

Adventures other than

Those of the body,

                            I took a trip

Off continent,

Bringing with me my fears,


And the shame of a democracy in decline

As decadence and greed

                            Outpace humility and compassion

In Spain, I confessed my embarrassment

To a cab driver,

Who looked at me in sadness

As the protests for Catalan-independence

Held traffic still but not silent,

And said: we count on you,

We look to you.

                             And my throat swelled

In Italy to a young Italian man

Kindly showing me the way to 

The confusing chaos of the

                             Buzzing train station,

He Just smiled and shrugged,

And said: so we all feel these

                             Days of our so called leaders.

Which somehow lent hope

To the ash-coated areas of

                             My heart blackened by

The apparent callous disregard 

                             Of those that can well afford it.

In Switzerland the young incredibly

Competent concierge just cast

Her eyes shyly down, with a smile 

And a blush, saying: 

We were quite surprised.

                             As my body grew too warm in its layers

And a strangled laugh

                             Jumped from the pit of my gut

In London, the effects of Brexit

Seemed to coat most connections in

                             That decline of an empire way,

And stopping in Iceland made me

Quite unable to voice my

                             Bewilderment at the waste

Of ignorance,

fear and looking

Outward for a savior or evil-doer


        Only appears when

                                 Looking within.

Profile photo of January Handl January Handl

Tags: Politics, Travel, Poem
Characterizations: moving, well written


  1. Hope you enjoyed their chocolate.

  2. January. so good to see you and your wonderfully gifted poetry back on Retrospect. I meant to respond when I read your reply to the Retro survey, and forgive if I didn’t!

    I was in London shortly after Trump’s election and was approached by British friends with bewilderment, dismay. and condolences.

  3. i hope so too January!
    I divide my time between New York and Connecticut, where are you?

  4. Hope East and West may meet one day!

  5. Warner says:

    What a beautiful piece to read, both intimate and expansive at the same time.

  6. Betsy Pfau says:

    I reiterate Dana’s welcome back to Retro and hope that you are doing better. We were in London just before Trump’s election (and many times since then; my son has worked there for 10 years, and now has a beautiful family with two small girls and an artist wife, but I will tell you this tale).

    We were on a train, heading out of London, discussing politics fairly loudly. Two women sitting across the aisle overheard us and asked WHAT was going on over there? We assured them that Trump was an aberration and would lose! Boy, were we wrong, to our eternal shame and regret. And look at how we have devolved since then, as you so beautifully sum up.

    Your poetry continues to express in your spare, perfect way, just how we all feel. Thank you.

  7. Khati Hendry says:

    Beautiful poetry on a difficult subject. So well said, with just enough space to have it really resonate. Interestingly, I have found that the angst felt by Americans about Trump is often felt more deeply than by others, who have their own angst we don’t fully realize.

  8. Suzy says:

    January, I echo what Dana and Betsy said, welcoming you back. Your contributions have always been beautiful. So sorry you have been ill, but I hope that returning here is a good sign. I love this poem, you express so well how we all felt in 2017. Let’s just hope (and work hard to make sure) that we don’t have a similar problem this year after November 5th!

    • Thank you, Suzy. I will still “fall off the planet” from time to time as my body decides it’s time to flare and rest, and things are so much better than they were! Happy to engage with the world and you wonderful people as I can.

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