Retrospect takes a new turn…

For the near future, Retrospect will discontinue weekly prompts. The last scheduled prompt was “All’s Well that Ends Well,” posted on Retrospect’s home page on December21. After that…

Writers can continue to post new stories on Retrospect’s existing prompts at “Past Prompts” or “My Own Topic.

Readers can still enjoy Retrospect’s rich and extensive archive of stories searchable by topic or author and comment on existing stories as before.

We hope you’ll drop by Retrospect to explore, comment, or even contribute to Retrospect’s labyrinth of memories, dreams, and reflections.

Write on!
The Retrospect Team

Coping with Disaster

Floods. Fires. Earthquakes. Communities around the world are facing disasters of unprecedented scale. We are forcefully reminded how much at risk are our homes and possessions, and indeed how fragile are our very lives.

We can insure our homes, possessions, and lives, but what about our legacies? Sharing experiences and memories with friends and loved ones is the best way to protect them from loss. We look forward to reading your disaster stories this week—whether humorous kitchen mishaps or serious setbacks.

Weren’t last week’s stories fun? How We Met gave us a glimpse into how our members found their partners (or didn’t). From deliberate set-ups to the magic chemistry of intrigue at first sight, we got a glimpse into moments when lives pivoted from solo to duet.

Quick Takes and Lists

It’s August. Summer’s waning and it feels like it just began. So in the spirit of summer vacation—real or fantasized—this week’s prompt, Good Riddance, is designed to elicit stories you can write in 15 minutes or less. Pick one thing from our past that you are glad to have behind us, and give it its well-deserved send-off.

Or you may want to make a list, like “The Top Five Things I’m Glad My Grandchildren Won’t Have to Deal With.” Provide as much commentary as you like. You can also vote on your choices in this week’s RetroPoll, and make other nominations on our Facebook page or in comments elsewhere on this blog.

Of course, you are welcome to bid a more detailed adieu to your chosen relic, or to write a quick take anytime, whatever the prompt. Your stories are yours to write as you wish.

Have fun writing your quick take.