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Does beauty matter anymore? by
(5 Stories)

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Do we still make beautiful things? Can something be both utilitarian and a masterpiece? Is it possible for functionality and aesthetic beauty to coexist in perfect harmony? While walking the streets of Barcelona I can’t help but be intrigued by the idea of why utility and artistic expression converged. A journey through the older streets…
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Slow Down To Be Inspired. by
(5 Stories)

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“A writer will find inspiration anywhere. You just have to look and see it, that’s all. Then write about it.” It was 50-years ago when we first visited Barcelona. With backpacks and a few Pesetas we fell in love with the place. The city seemed to be a cheaper, seedier, more exciting scene back then,…
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Looking Back. by
(5 Stories)

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We are a visual people. Images have dominated our communication from early cave paintings to the digital age. Our thoughts, emotions, and stories are best captured in photos. An image can provide description when words fail; it can also lead to better reactions, emotions, and thoughts. Travel has always been best expressed in Photographs. The…
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So, What Happened to The Overland Trail? by
(5 Stories)

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“The answer is never the answer. What’s really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you’ll always be seeking. I’ve never seen anybody really find the answer. They think they have, so they stop thinking. But the job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in which…
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A Happy Wanderer. by
(5 Stories)

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Because I travel… As I grow older my once perfect eyesight has faded into a worrisome loss of acuity. What I hope is that loss is replaced with a clearer vision of who I am. A perceptiveness. I often close my eyes to visualize something better. Clearer. We all do. I close my eyes to…
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