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When prejudice is so ordinary, it is unexpected by
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Prompted By Prejudice

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The word “prejudice” derives from the Latin word “Praejudicim” which means “prior judgment”, or a preconceived opinion not based on actual experience. The following is an example of “post-judgment” based on actual experience.
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The Potter’s Wheel by
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Prompted By Ex-Friends

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Karen, seeking a new life, had fled from her family and friends to Kyoto, Japan.  She fell into equally bad relationships in the expat community. I have tried to explain her process of separating from me.  She joined a potter’s commune on the island of Shikoku where she eventuality became a renowned potter. One day,…
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Strangers in the Car by
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Hitch hiking has transformed from adventure to a warning about self preservation.
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The Cacophony for the Carceral State by
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Prompted By Prison

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Overture.  The Middletown Ct. Police Station—Bartok’s Sonata for two pianos and percussion. Before beginning my job as a substitute teacher, I traveled to the police department for a fingerprint security check.  The officer, a large friendly African American interviewed me. “Where will you be teaching?” “Middletown High School.” “Oh,” he warningly replied. “Do you know…
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Marriage by
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Prompted By Marriage

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The “Haven for Newlyweds” Art Park contained more than one hundred sculptures by Korean artists scattered throughout the lush park with its paths in rolling hills and forests.
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New Year’s Eve by
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Prompted By Retirement

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I have spent my retirement digging through the documents of my past, filing through my history. Here’s a poem I found in a box, long forgotten.  Yoishyo—haiyo.  Haiyo-yoishyo Watching the preparation of Omochitsuki (rice cakes for the New Year), Yearning to take hold of the kine  (mallet) to pound into the usu (stamp mill), Swimming…
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A Study Abroad Created a Community by
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Prompted By Community

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Allons! the road is before us! It is safe–I have tried it–my own feet have tried it well–be not detain'd! Let the paper remain on the desk unwritten, and the book on the shelf unopen'd! Walt Whitman.
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Canoeing vacation with an exciting intervening rain by
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Prompted By Rainy Days

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Namekagon river, Wisconsin What could be more glorious than a weekend on the Namakagon River in Wisconsin? A group of female nurses, myself, my 12-year-old daughter and her friend, Emily,  drove under a bright sky across rich agricultural land through the St. Croix river’s national forest finally stopping at a roadside rest over the river.…
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New Year in Nara by
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From my files: A Japanese ritual: emotion, laughter, love and union.
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The Identity Roundabout: The Long Way Home by
(33 Stories)

Prompted By Art’s Impact

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With the discovery of Jewish art and culture my heritage became more significant.
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