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I haven’t written here for a long time, but I couldn’t resist penning my memories of trips to Jones Beach in the 1950s. Excitement mounted when mom informed me and my little brother that we were going to the beach. We ran around in circles, chasing each other and laughing, til Dad yelled at us…
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My mother prepared dinner every night for my dad, my brother and me. Meat, potatoes, Birds Eye frozen vegetables. Once in a while a fresh salad. But in those days, fresh vegetables, especially in the winter, were hard to come by. I can still see my mom with her white and red flowered apron tied…
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To be honest, I hate recycling. If the future of the planet didn’t depend on it, you can be sure I wouldn’t do it. It’s so complicated and way more work than just throwing stuff out. But since I have grandchildren who I am hoping will be able to breathe the air, survive the increased…
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My daughter and my teenage grandchildren spent the pandemic in Israel where things were a lot more comfortable than here. While the boys went to school virtually, they were free to see their friends after school. When vaccinations became available, my daughter and her husband got them immediately, but the 16 year old called me…
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I walked into my 90 year old mom’s house years ago and heard her crying. I dropped my purse and the bag of glazed donuts I’d brought her and rushed into the den fearing I’d find her on the floor with a broken hip. But no. She was sitting in front of her computer screen,…
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I didn’t know I could hold my breath for so long until last week when I finally exhaled. I was sitting round a fire pit with a small group of (vaccinated) women from my weekly writing group who I haven’t seen in person for over a year…the last time I inhaled. We’ve been Zooming, of…
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I rarely watch a movie more than once. There are just too many great ones out there I haven’t seen yet. My former partner of 20 years had a theory that we shouldn’t waste time watching movies; we should be on the move until we were too old to travel, and then we could watch…
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“Ow!” I rubbed the bump on my forehead. Again. If he leaves the kitchen cabinets or drawers open one more time I’m divorcing him! Oh! I never married him, did I? And that’s a big reason why. The first time he took me to his house and showed me his kitchen I walked through it…
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Once Upon a time…and still… hair was the most important thing. To the day my mother died, the first thing we did when we saw each other was comment on each other’s hair. Mom would either say, “That’s a great haircut, Penny,” or “What did you do to your hair?” Or anything in between. (My…
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I have a very bad habit of singing old commercial jingles over and over again. Especially when I’m using some similar product. Or just walking down the street. Sometimes when I brush my teeth I’ll hum, “You’ll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent.” Even though I’m using Crest. Afterwards,…
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Jones Beach, Beach 4
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Oh, Those Family Dinners
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What’s the (Re)Purpose of It All?
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Grandma (Savta) Knows Best
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Who’s Norton?
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Holding My Breath
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Just Getting Started
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Close The Door, Richard!
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A Hairy Tale
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Promises, Promises
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