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Ad Hoc Family Thanksgiving by
(26 Stories)

Prompted By Gratitude

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One year the Native Americans even showed up.
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Getting Out the Vote by
(26 Stories)

Prompted By Politics

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Was it a lark; did I do it for class credit; was it some misguided show of patriotism? I have no idea.
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“You’ve come a long way, baby” by
(26 Stories)

Prompted By Good Riddance

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Growing up with smoking is the best deterrent.
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Up the Rabbit Hole by
(26 Stories)

Prompted By Altered States

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I wouldn’t have taken it if I hadn’t been sure of its provenance.
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Here Today, Gone to Maui by
(26 Stories)

Prompted By Travel

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After five hours of nothing to see but clouds and water, it always took my breath away.
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My Special, Special Day by
(26 Stories)

Prompted By Weddings

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Princess Di, I can relate.
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Evolution: Electronics Edition by
(26 Stories)

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But wait, there's more detritus; calculators, voice recorders, and an electronic dictionary.
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Ode to Title IX by
(26 Stories)

Prompted By Sports

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Title IX's detractors said equality would be the death of college sports.
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Fish Story by
(26 Stories)

Prompted By Pets

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Written in response to
My excuse is that I was five or six years old.
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Breaking the Spell by
(26 Stories)

Prompted By Faith

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I appreciate the value of a good story, but you have to meet me halfway.
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