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im under 10 living in Miami. visiting younger cousins who live in central Maine. I have never ridden a bike. despite their ages, they consistently make me take risks as hey laugh their stupid heads off!! I’m at the top of a smallish hill. im on a bike headed down. they hold onto the bike…
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In the late 1960’s, I was asked to appear in front of my local Miami (Florida) Draft Board. The Board wanted me to defend my application to become a conscientious objector. They were especially interested in quotes I used in my application. The quotes were from Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller. This novel had…
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She never said much directly but she exemplified values that I carry with me. She was a single parent in the early 1950’s. She was a working mother when no other mothers (I knew) worked outside the house. No car? Take buses when they were segregated and we were the only white people on board.…
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Got one of those Weber grills. Very excited to immediately use but of course I need the instructions. But the instructions have no words–just a bunch of pictures with numbers and arrows. I cannot translate those arrows and numbers into actual assembly. But, fortunately, I am the parent of two young women one of whom…
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BRUCE AND THE E STREET BAND PLAYING, AT FULL VOLUME, BORN TO RUN. the power of the words, the skill of the band, and a quiet anger–taken together, they lift me up
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learning to ride a bicycle
Prompted By Riding a Bicycle
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Prompted By What My Mother Told Me
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Prompted By Some Assembly Required
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Prompted By One Song That Moves Me
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