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Reincarnation by
(74 Stories)

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I am not exactly sure when I knew I would in fact live forever. Oh, not in the same body of course. “Reincarnation” I thought to myself, “yeah that’s the ticket.” As for this body I feel like I have a responsibility to keep it in reasonably good shape and healthy and so I behave…
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My Guilty Pleasures by
(74 Stories)

Prompted By Guilty Pleasures

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Here is where we find out if you can keep my Guilty Pleasures secret. Q-Tips; I stick the Q Tip into my ear canal, not too far. I always (always) keep my Q Tips away from children. Feline Videos; I have a thing for cat videos and when I like a particular video I attach…
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B52’s – Love Shack by
(74 Stories)

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Starting in the late 80s my computer professional career took me around the world; America (25 of our 50 states), Japan,  Canada, England, Scotland and Ireland. Everywhere I worked  I would go out and shake my booty (dance) and every (and I mean every) dance locale would end up playing (then and even nowadays) the…
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I like the present and I will miss the future. by
(74 Stories)

Prompted By Newspapers

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And talk about efficient - I can get the latest news in minutes not hours. Oh and no more ink stained hands.  I save hundred   of dollars a year while being more and better informed.
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