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RMV Where Lines Stretch Farther Than Your Patience (and Perhaps Your Sanity). by
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Prompted By The DMV

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Ah, the RMV. A mystical land where fluorescent lighting casts a pale pallor on dreams and paperwork morphs into origami dragons – as if fire-breathing was not enough. It is a realm where lines of people weave like drunken conga dancers, each step punctuated by the collective sigh of souls yearning for freedom (from the…
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My Chrome Coated Nostalgia On Four Wheels by
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  Hello guys and gals – do you remember the car you lusted after in your youth? The one that made your heart do the four-on-the-floor chrome-rimmed tap dance whenever you spotted it in the rear view mirror of your adolescent dreams? For some it was a cherry-red muscle car, all growl and rumble, spitting…
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The Day I Discovered Socks Were Optional by
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Life before my Great Sock Liberation Day, as I call it with a yawn-inducing lack of drama, was a symphony of socks: cotton, wool, nylon, ankle, crew, knee-high – they were, as the Old Testament might say ‘a plague upon my house’. Every morning for me was a ballet of fumbling and frustration, battling those…
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Favors: The Currency of Saints and Hypocrites by
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Aristotle? Bible? “Ideal man”? Mit-what-zah? Sounds like a fancy way of saying “make your own bed” to me. But apparently, doing stuff for other people is supposed to be some grand declaration of inner beauty. Let’s be honest, though, favors are a minefield. A social tightrope where good intentions trip over awkward silences and unspoken…
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A Donkey On The Edge by
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Prompted By Short Fuse

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  A Donkey On The Edge Okay let’s talk short fuses. Not the kind that light your Marlboro cigarettes on the Fourth of July (although, hey, if you do you – then boo hoo for you.). I’m talking about the human variety, the folks who walk around with tempers simmering just below the surface, like…
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I Don’t Do Dangerous by
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Hey-o Retrospect nation I am here, back from the era of dial-up phone calls and disco dancing to drop some cautionary wisdom on any younger minds out there. Some might think their generation invented the whole “safety first” ideas with kale smoothies and mindfulness apps, but let me tell you, boomers like me had that…
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I Yam What I Yam by
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I Yam What I Yam By Kevin J. W. Driscoll (c) 2023 So, ya wanna know if where I’m from defines me? Well buckle up, cuz here comes a geography lesson straight outta Beantown. First off, let’s get this straight: I ain’t some Hallmark movie character where my hometown paints a quaint mural on my…
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Laundry: A Gothic Exploration of the Mundane by
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In the tapestry of human existence, there are filaments that bind us together, threads that weave through the fabric of our days, shaping our experiences and defining our routines. Among these filaments, there is one that is often overlooked, yet undeniably present: the thread of laundry. Laundry, the humble chore of cleaning clothes, may seem…
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A Dream Within A Dream by
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Prompted By Daydreaming

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Dreams are ephemeral tapestries woven in the deepest recesses of our minds, where reality bends and dissolves, logic surrenders to the fantastical, and the impossible becomes commonplace. Before the first fluttering of consciousness at dawn from the final descent into slumber, we traverse this enigmatic realm nightly, embarking on journeys that defy definition and leave…
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Let Us Get Beyond Prejudice by
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In the shadowy underbelly of society, where the sun’s rays fail to penetrate and the air hums with a palpable tension, lurks the insidious specter of racial prejudice. This pernicious force, cloaked in the guise of ignorance and fear, has long cast its dark shadow over the human race, weaving a tapestry of injustice and…
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