View Kathy Porter's profile

My Mother, the Librarian by
(15 Stories)

Prompted By Libraries

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She was a popular librarian because she never believed her job was, in her words, protecting the books from the children.
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Scamming the Scammer by
(15 Stories)

Prompted By Hacks and Scams

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The best story I ever heard came from a friend.
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Impeachment Then and Now by
(15 Stories)

Prompted By Watergate

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The current impeachment discussion takes me back to 1972 and Richard Nixon.
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Three Proms, One Dress by
(15 Stories)

Prompted By Prom

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I lost my prom photos years ago, but I still have the shoes.
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My Mother’s Faith by
(15 Stories)

Prompted By Faith

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She practiced Christianity as a religion of love, tolerance, and generosity. She never turned down someone who needed help and she was the most open-minded person I’ve ever known.
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