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Missing Out on Aruba by
(88 Stories)

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Spring break on Aruba? Oh yeah! There was only one problem.
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The Gumdrop Tree, by Myron Unger by
(88 Stories)

Prompted By New Beginnings

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But little hands lifted the top of the garbage pail, and discovered the resting place of the gumdrop tree.
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Grace by
(88 Stories)

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Written in response to How We Like Our Eggs
We did not relish listening to praise and platitudes about a woman who was, to put it charitably, hard to get along with.
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Klearance Sale by
(88 Stories)

Prompted By Comic Relief

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The flyer—featuring a jolly Santa and offering floor models, repossessions, and a choice of linings—was in spectacularly bad taste.
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Aftermath by
(88 Stories)

Prompted By Parties

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I walk out in a daze, music ringing in my ears, the girls in their party dresses still twirling across my eyes.
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Tornado Warning by
(88 Stories)

Prompted By Dating

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Neither rain, snow, sleet, nor gloom of night was going to deter us from our planned movie date.
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In Vino Communitas by
(88 Stories)

Prompted By The Garden

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How can I convey the childish joy of wading around the tubs as the grapes squished and squirted between our toes?
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Black Magic by
(88 Stories)

Prompted By The Social Network

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Each time I respond to a post, Facebook uses it to categorize and phenotype me, to slice and dice my likes and comments and sell them to the highest bidder.
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The Baths at Esalen by
(88 Stories)

Prompted By Nudity

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No one is self-conscious about the nudity, and from our attitude and bearing you would think we were all decked out in our Sunday best, headed for church.
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Cream Cheese Crack Cake by
(88 Stories)

Prompted By Recipes

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I could give you the recipe, but you'll have to sign a release form.
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